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Months later.

"AAAH!! JEON JUNGKOOK I HATE YOU. WE NEVER GONNA HAVE ANOTHER KID ANYMORE!!"Jimin sitting on the birthing ball gripping on Jungkook's hands each time the contraction kick in his nails digging under Jungkook's skin.

"It's ok baby I love you. You can do it sweetheart. We gonna see our baby later. I love You so much. Your so beautiful right now giving birth to my kid. Always beautiful. My brave fiancé." Jungkook caressing Jimin belly muttered sweet things on his hears to calm her down.

It's been nine months today he was gonna give birth to their baby. These past months Jimin and Jungkook got Engaged. After they moved in the new mansion.

Taehyung started Dating a man name Yunki. He met him when he was out with Taehee and Jungmin getting ice cream. Since then they started talking. At first Taehyung was scared and not ready to date anyone.

But Yunki assures him that he will wait for him and he should take his time he's not pressuring him into nothing.

Yunki always there for them. Taehyung and Taehee. The little girl loved him. One day he called Yunki Dada. Taehyung got mad and never talk to him for about two weeks.

The he realizes that he can't keep scared about Dating plus his mom talked to him. About Yunki is a good man he should give him a chance and about Taehee call him Dada. Was not his fault. Maybe she thinks he was his daddy and needed a father figure.

That night he was about to go to his apartment but he find Yunki sitting in Front of their mansion gate with flowers and chocolates. And a bag of sweets and doll plus car toys for Jungmin.

He run and hug him. Saying he's sorry. That night they kissed and make up. Since then they got along well and Taehee called him Dada. He ask Yunki to move in the mansion. With him.

But Today Jimin's gonna gave birth. Everyone was prepared for them when they got home. Jungkook and Jin was at the hospital with him.

"We are ready now Mr Jeon. We can move him to the bed now." The doctor said. Jungkook nodded and help Jimin to the bed.

After a lot of yelling screaming,cursing. Jimin gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. "Here's the baby Mr Jeon what do you want to call her." The doctor said giving the baby to Jungkook who was crying.

"Look beautiful it's our princess." He said kissed the baby forehead and put the baby on Jimin chest. Jimin smile tiredly before nodded his head. "Yea-hKookie ou-our princess." Jimin said with a cracked voice. "Here drink some water babe."

Jungkook help him drink some water. Taking a sit next to him to the bed. "Minji" Jimin said smiling at Jungkook. Smile back at him. Turning his head to the doctor.

"Jeon Minji." The doctor nodded before turned to the door and go. Jin running inside the room. "Oh my it's a girl.give her to me." They chuckled and gave the baby to Jin.

"Hey I'm Mama Jin. I'm gonna spoiled you a lot. You have a big brother who said he's gonna protect you. And you have a big sister. She said she's gonna share her toys and doll with you."

They laugh and gave Jimin the baby back to feed her before she fall asleep. Jin return back home. And Jungkook stay in the hospital.

Jimin was sleeping and Jungkook was sleeping next to him. The baby was sleeping in the baby things they gave in the hospital next to them.

See you next chapter;)

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