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"Pre pregnant."
Jungkook was happy when he heard that he just a little scared because Jimin's only 20 and he impregnated him.

Jin was about to fall on the floor but Namjoon was quick to catch him.

Hoseok was just shock at the news.

It was a complete silence no one said nothing.
A nurse called said Jimin is wake up they can go and see him.

Jungkook was the first one to enter the room and find Jimin on the bed.

When Jimin see the door and he tried to sit.
"Hey baby be careful let me help."
Jungkook rush toward Jimin and help him sitting better.
" It's ok Kookie I can sit myself but thank you."
Jimin said shyly with a blush on his face.

" We have good news for you baby."
" what is it?"
"You're pregnant baby I'm gonna be a appa and you gonna be a mama."
Jimin laugh and said.

" Silly Kookie, how can I be pregnant I'm a boy."
" well it's truth baby the doctor said it."
Jimin look at Jungkook and the rest of his family, he was so shock to hear the news he doesn't know how to feel. Happy, or Sad.
He's thought we're interrupting by his dad.

" I'm so disappointed on you Jimin, we came here for a vacation but you have to ruin it." Namjoon said harsh to the poor boy, and leave the hospital room close the door harsh. 

Every one in the room look so surprise by Namjoon reaction, Tears start to fall on Jimin's cheeks.
" He doesn't mean that baby,he just surprised by the news I'll go and talk to him."

Jin said and left the room.
" Congratulations Minnie", Tae hug his brother and kissed his cheek,
Hoseok came and hug Jimin said everything's gonna be okay.
Seojoon said congratulations to the couple.

It was time to go to their resort.
Jikook go to their room, Jungkook hug Jimin and said sweet things on his ear to help him sleep.


Babe I don't know if I can tell Eomma and Dad about me being pregnant.
Someone said while looking so anxious and biting his nails.

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