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"Seojoon what are you doing here."Taehyung ask gulped. Yunki saw how uncomfortable he is. He put his hand around Taehyung waist.

"Long time no see Tae how are you doing." Yunki look at Taehyung who was looking at Seojoon with hurt and shock face.

"Who's that babe?"Yunki ask looking at Seojoon. Taehyung gulped and take Yunki hand.

"That's Seojoon baby he's Taehee dad." Taehyung gulped looking down. Afraid of Yunki's reaction.

Yunki gave Seojoon a blank face, poking his tongue on inside his left cheek.

Seojoon talk to Taehyung for a while Yunki was just listening. It was time for him to go.

They bid goodbye and Yunki left without saying a words to Taehyung. He pouted and follow him.

"Oppa" he called but Yunki just continue walking inside the hotel completely ignoring Taehyung.

Later that night they both were laying down in the bed. But none of them said anything, Yunki was well jealous not mad.

And Taehyung was scared to make a conversation with him.they we're supposed to be having fun together.

But guess not tonight. "I'm sorry for acting like that." Yunki broke silence first and Taehyung sit up looking at him.

"No I'm sorry I shouldn't have talked to Seojoon like that." Yunki shakes his head and took Taehyung hands on his.

"No I was just jealous and mad at the same time. But I was not mad at you but him for what he did." He explained and Taehyung smile at his sweet boyfriend/fiancé.

"Wanna watch a movie." He ask and Taehyung nodded. Yunki get the tv remote and choose something for them to watch on Netflix.

I'm sorry. :(

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