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Jimin make eye contact with Jungkook and said.  " Hi I'm Kim Jimin and this is my brother Taehyung."

Jungkook lost in Jimin sweet voice, he feel something that he never felt before and he ask himself. " could this be love at first sight." Nah.

He clear his throat and he said with deep voice , " Hi  I'm Jungkook"

Jimin could felt butterflies in his stomach just by listening to his voice, his heart was beating so fast he even forgot that students was looking at them, some of them jealous because Jungkook never pay attention to them.

The Bell ring make them broke eye contact. " Can you please help me and my brother go to BA Building " Jimin said.  "Ok I was going there though so let's go." Jungkook's said.

At the BA front office.

Hi welcome students my name is Jackson and I'm your advisor , if you need help with anything or want to ask questions just come to me."

"And I'm assuming Your three at Kim Taehyung, Kim Jimin and your Jungkook everyone know."

Jimin said "woah how do you know us"

Jungkook chuckled at Jimin cuteness.

"Well Jimin we have your pictures here with us so we know you by looking at you" he said while laughing.

They said goodbye and look at their schedule on their phone
Jimin got 2 class with Jungkook it was morning class and only one on the after by online and that was the only one he got with Taehyung.

Jimin ask " Kookie can i tag along with you" Jimin ask with puppies eyes, he know Danm well nobody could resist that.

Taehyung said " No Minnie Jungkook is popular he will not accept"

Jungkook hear that and he ask in his head " what are you doing to my heart Jimin we just met"

He said out loud " Yes." Taehyung look at Jimin while Jimin lost at Jungkook he said in his head " my baby brother have his first crush this gonna be fun"

They we're walking to their first class when this girl comes with his squeaky voice.
" Jungkookah I call you this morning to come to school together but you didn't pick up , and who's this two" she said while looking at The Twin.

" Oh this is Taehyung and Jimin my new friends"
She look at Jungkook with shock face and say. "You made friends with this little things"

Jungkook growled at her when he see Jimin looking down and said " better make friends with whom I know who's gonna be there with me then someone who just want me for fames or money."

He took Jimin hand while entering their classroom and said goodbye to Taehyung his class was four class side.

At the cafe {Coffee}

Jin park his car and his private parking.
He made his way and open the door, he entered he see everything his clean, he checked everything , he heard the door open and see his first customer for the day.

" Good morning Welcome to Epiphany How can I help you?"

"Um can i have an Iced Americano"

" ok an iced americano coming right up , would you like to order something else with it?" Jin ask the Person.

" Oh Yes Churro's"

"Alright , what's your name so I can put it on the cup"


" Please take a seat I'll be right back with your order."

Time Skips

Namjoon Arrives at his office and greet by his secretary Mark.
"Good morning Mr Kim, here's your schedule for the day Sir, you have a lunch meeting With Mr.Jeon."

"Ok Thanks Mark"
With a nods Mark make his way out.

Namjoon Open his computer , and check his email.

Hoseok Dance studio

"Hi Class today we have a new friend please welcome Lisa."
Hoseok said.

The class said Hello

And everyone take their place.

Time skips

It was now Time for their class to end.

Namjoon was already in front of the school waiting for his sons.

Jimin see his dad and yelling out loud.

" Daddyyyyyy!!!!"
Tae hear Jimin's yell and turn his head to see his dad.

Jungkook who was watching all this shaking his head and chuckled, he jump on his motorcycle and drove off.

Tell me if it's boring.  I'm not good at this stuff.

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