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Jin's made his way downstairs the first thing he saw was Taehyung on the couch eating snacks.

Jimin and Jungkook was on the other couch cuddling and eating snacks, watching Movie.

Jin sit and ask. "How was yesterday? Did y'all like the party, I'm so tired from doing it all and my back it's hurting so much."

Namjoon was coming and heard his husband and said. " Oh I know why your back is hurting." He said while smirking.

Jin blush and run to the kitchen, his eyes widened when he see what they done to his kitchen.

Dirty dishes every where, leftovers, garbage full .
Jin scream Namjoon ran to see what's wrong with his husband.

Jin pull Namjoon hear and scream while giving him his rap.

The kids left the couch quietly and run upstairs to their room. 

Jin's scream and said " Get your ass down here and clean my kitchen."

Jimin and Jungkook enter the room ,
He started kissing Jimin,
Jimin giggling and said "Jungkookie your phone is ringing."

Jungkook look at his phone and find his mom calling.

Momma:Jungkookie where are you come home quick mommy need you please help.

Hoseok was crying while talking to Jungkook.
Jungkook was worry and said " I'm coming Eomma wait for me."

Jimin look at Jungkook asking what's he said he's coming back he's going home. 

He run to his car and drove home.

Time skip.

He arrived and find his mom crying his father white another woman look alike like his mom with a little kid.

He rushed to Hoseok and said. 
"What's that fucker did now" he said with his deep voice his eye turn dark while looking at Yoongi.

"Know how to talk to your father Jungkook." Yoongi said.

The girl said " Hi I'm Hyeseong Yoongi's baby mommy and I will be living here now."

Hoseok look at his sister with hurt and teary eyes.
" Why!!" Hoseok scream at yoongi and his sister.
"I gave you everything and this is how you repay me by cheating on me with my sister really Yoongi, I will leave the House and don't worry I'll send the divorce paper."

When Yoongi hear that his heart started beating fast he can't lose him. He love Hoseok.
It was just a one time thing with his sister, she said she was pregnant that's why he keep seeing her.

Hyeseong smirk looking at his brother, She always wish to have what his brother have, but now she have his husband, she just want them to divorce and have everything in her name.

Jungkook help Hoseok with his luggages to his car.

He drive to the Kim mansion before he goes he ask Jimin if they can stay there for some time Jin said yes they always welcome.

When they got there Jimin and Tae help with the luggage Inside Hoseok new room, And Jungkook put his luggage inside Jimin's room.

It was dinner time

Jin's was serving dinner Hoseok enter in the dining room and said. " Thank you for letting me stay here I promise I'll help with everything."

" It's okay Hoseok-ah everything's fine and I'm glad I have someone here now. We can go shopping and go to my coffee shop together don't worry."

They laugh together and call dinner is ready.

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Meanwhile Bogum got home and find his girlfriend inside the living room with a kid

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Meanwhile Bogum got home and find his girlfriend inside the living room with a kid.

He was shocked seeing her here , he approached her and said " What the fuck are you doing here."

Hyeseong look at Bogum with a smile and said " Hi Bogum I live here now and This is my son your little brother, and cousin . "

Bogum just freeze and his spot, He doesn't understand his girlfriend calling his son his brother and cousin.

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