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" Happy birthday to you Jungminie"wishing their two years old boy. Jimin kissed the boy nose.

While Jungkook was taking video of his family. The baby was in her carrier she was seven months old now.

Right now they we're in New-york. Jungkook has an important deal with one of those company. Jimin wanted to come with him.

And they all come together with the kids. And to celebrate Jungmin birthday. "Open your presents buddy." Jungkook said and Jungmin smile hearing the presents.

"Oh" Jungmin let out a little gasp when he saw a little motorcycle. "Daddy loowk" tugging Jungkook pants with excitement.

"Yeah buddy i saw did you like it." Take his son off the floor putting him on his chest. Jimin was smiling at them.

Jungkook help him tried to run the motorcycle. "I'm gonna put Minji to bed." Jungkook nodded his head.

After getting the kid's to bed Jimin in Jungkook was in their hotel room cuddling each other. "You ok babe?" Jungkook ask breaking the silence.

Jimin played with Jungkook shirt nervously. "I think I'm pregnant again Jungkook."With that he bust into tears.

Jungkook was to shock to said anything. "I just graduated and our son is two years old and our Daughter is just seven months old I— I can't -i"

Jimin was sobbing he can't even talk well. "You sure baby." That's all Jungkook could said after listening to Jimin.

"Yes Kook I've been feeling the same as when I was pregnant with Our Kids. What am i gonna do." With that he busted into tears again.

"It's ok babe if you're pregnant we gonna take care of our children and I'm gonna work harder so our kids can have a great life with a great future."

That night Jungkook couldn't sleep. But how can he, Jimin just 23 years old and him he was 25 and he's gonna be father of three if Jimin pregnant again.


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