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"Babe please listen to me first."
"No Jungkook you listen to me, why did I ever do to deserve this."

Jungkook can't answer he just put his head down. "We have two kids plus one is on the way, did you never care for us."

"ANSWER ME ASSHOLE!!!" He screamed and hit the bed with both hands.

"Just listen to what I'm gonna say Chim."

"No you listen to me, we're done, get out."

"What?" Jungkook was shocked by that, no way he's gonna lose Jimin and the kids.

"You heard me, Get the f*ck out!!!!!"

"Jimin sit down and let's talk,stop being whiny." He said with a stern voice looking at Jimin with a deep glare.

Jimin scoffed at that, "you really think I'm stupid enough to believe what you're going to say and forgive you you haven't don't it before, Guess what I'm done with your bullshit Jungkook, please get out while I'm asking nicely, or I'm gonna throw your things out of the window so you can be with your hoe."

"Mwommy." They heard a sleepy voice and Jimin saw Jungmin hugging his plushie and walking sleepily toward him. He crouched down and take the toddler.

"What's wrong baby?"


"It's ok mommy is here." He walk towards the bed and place Jungmin but the toddler hold his neck harder.

"It's ok Min, mommy's going to go get some water sweetheart." But the toddler shook his head.

Jimin just forget the water and get inside the blanket and Jungmin hug him.

Jungkook was standing outside the bedroom door. "Fuck." He whispered.

Walking in the room next their bedroom it was their daughter room, he get two blanket put them in the floor next to the baby crib.

Walking towards the small bathroom take a rolled paper towel to put under his head.

That's all I could write, 😭😭😩 I'm getting lazy

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