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Taehyung wake up with Taehee sucking on his booby looking at his mother, "Oh look who's wake and decide to have her breakfast already, huh my little princess." Taehyung said kissing Taehee nose. She let go of the boob and smile at his mom.

Taehyung cooed and laugh at her princess. "Well let get you ready for the day princess." He said making his way off the bed. He put some pillow surrounded Taehee just in case if she tried to crawl so she doesn't fall of the bed.

He make it to her closet, he take one clean diaper with a little dress and some pins hair to do her little hair.he take the toddler of the bed making his way to the bathroom to shower with her. He place her in her little tub inside the bath tub and he remove his towel got in.

After they finish showering he dress her up and do two tail in her hair."Aegyo my baby look so cute."He said in bed baby voice kissing the toddler cheeks. She giggle and Taehyung give his boxy smile.

"JEON JUNGMIN COME PUT YOUR PANTS." He heard Jimin yelling. Everyone in the house know The toddler is a little trouble. He heard his door open. He put Taehee stand in her feet with her little sandal. He look and saw Jungmin running butt naked giggling.

"Hey Young man."He laugh and scoop The toddler on his arms blow on his stomach. The Kidd giggling. "Mama Tae." The child squeal when Taehyung throw him in the air.

Jimin entered the room looking tired he wear a sweatshirt who was to big for him. A slipper and the toddler pants on his hand. "Oh he's here please tell him to put the pants on, I can't anymore."Jimin said walking toward the bed crying.

Taehyung stop playing with Jungmin he hear Jimin crying, he placed the toddler down making his way to the bed, he took the pant put it on the toddler, after he took a sit next to Jimin."What's wrong Chim, I know somethings wrong, you know you can talk to me yeah." He said hugging Jimin.

Jimin put his face in Taehyung neck, smelling the strawberry scent on him. He mumble."Jungkook's cheating on me Taetae last night I found him watching a the same girl naked fingering herself moaning His name, Tae it's hurts so much, why would he do that to me, am I not enough is it because I'm fat a now." By right now he was crying more.

Taehyung was shocked, he hug Jimin more tight."Minnie don't say that you're not fat, and Jungkook is an Asshole you want me to beat him for you."Taehyung said with a pout looking at Jimin teary eyes.

Jimin chuckled and nodded his head."Yes TaeTae." They laugh look over at the kids who was playing togheter on the floor.

"Let's have some breakfast."Taehyung said help Jimin standing up.He nodded his head and Taehyung took the kids while they making their way downstair."Please don't tell nobody Tae."Jimin whispered to Taehyung when they entered the dining room. "You sure."He ask and Jimin nodded his head taking a deep breath.

"Good morning my babies."Jin said open his arm wide. Jimin and Tae think he was talking to them, They opened their arms wide to hug him back.

Jin passed them and hug the kids who was holding hand followed their mother. "Mom really."Jimin and Taehyung said with a betrayal face.

"Oh don't be a baby."Jin chuckled and kiss the toddler's . With each on his arm making his way to their highchair.

"Appa his here my princes."Namjoon open his arm hugging both Jimin and Taehyung."Yeah Appa." They said and hugging their dad back.

Jungkook was sitting on his chair looking at Jimin every time trying to make a conversation with him, but Jimin don't even look at him."Im going home today, Me and Yoongi get back togheter, Bogum moved to the states, and Jungkook your dad want to talk to you about the company and stuff." Everyone stop eating looking at Hoseok."Why you going home, Please don't go." Jimin said with a pout looking at Hoseok who chuckled.

"Yeah don't go momma Seok." Taehyung said feed Jungmin and Taehee." Why don't we buy a bigger mansion so you and Yoongi can stay together what do you all think about that."

Namjoon said taking a sip on his coffee. "You know that's a great idea. What do you think Hoseok."Jin said clapping his hands.

"I have to talk to Yoongi later, we are going on a date."He said bitting his lips, blushing. They all Teasing him.

After breakfast Namjoon go to work. Jungkook got the day off again.Jin and Hoseok  with Taehyung  and the kids go shopping for Hoseok date with Yoongi later. Jimin was not in the mood he didn't go.

Jimin was sitting on the couch watching a BL series in the Tv. Jungkook make his way towards him taking a sit next to him on the big couch.

Jimin don't even look at him."Babe please talk to me." Jungkook said putting his hand on Jimin's belly rubbing it gently."Don't touch me and what do you want me to said to you. After you cheat on me again."

"I swear I didn't baby she just send the video and I look at it That's all.@

"Then why you put your hand on your dick while watching the video what about that."Jimin said wiping his tears. He was so sensible to everything now.

"I was just hard because you were rubbing your hand on my dicks baby I promise it's nothing please I love you Jimin and our kids I would never cheat on you."

Jimin slapped Jungkook chest and hug him. "You sure."He said, looking at him with a pout. Jungkook nodded his head kissing Jimin's lips.

"I love you too." Jimin said, putting his head on Jungkook's chest. They put a blanket on their body and Jungkook go get some snacks with juice placed on the table. Cuddle with Jimin on the couch watching the series with him.

Would y'all forgive Yoongi?

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