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They got in the car Namjoon's ask. " How was y'all day?"
Jimin started talking. " It was great daddy I made a new friend his name is Jungkook and his handsome like you."

Namjoon raised an eyebrow while look at Jimin in the mirror.

"That's great Minnie what about you Tae how was your day? Did you made any friends?"

"I talk to this guy Minnie was talking about."

Time skip

It was now 5pm Jin was closing the shop. So he can go home and start making dinner.

He arrived home in find Tae was watching TV. Jimin was sleeping on top of Taehyung.
" Hey baby how was your day?" He ask Taehyung.

" It was ok Mommy."

" I'll go take a shower so I can start cooking dinner. I see Minnie sleeping on you again »

He chuckled and go to his bedroom to take a shower and change.

After his done showering , he make his way downstairs to the kitchen and look for the ingredients to make dinner.

When Jungkook got home he find his Mom in the living room. He said Hi not waiting for an answer. He go to his bedroom.

He sit on the bed running his hand to his hair a sight leave his lips. Then he started thinking about this cute little guy.

He get up go the gym to work out. After about two hours of working out.
He go to his room took a shower. He decided to play a little game.
After like an hour's he heard his mom calling.

He made his way downstairs and see dinner is already prepared.

He see his brother and his dad already sitting down.
He sit on his chair and begin eating without talking.



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Sweet Romance ~JikookWhere stories live. Discover now