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" Why was I not enough for you." Taehyung said with tear on his eyes looking at Seojoon put on his pants.

" No baby please listen to me, you were enough that doesn't mean nothing to me."

He was trying to touch Taehyung but he back up leave the lunch box on the floor before he go he look at Seojoon and said. " We are done and this baby don't even think she's yours anymore."

" No baby Tae please." Seojoon running out of his office to follow Taehyung but he received a punch on the jaw.

Yup Taehyung have a button on his phone when he was not okay. Every one would get the alarm. Jimin have it to when they are in danger.

He was already press the alarm when he stood in the office. Jimin got it and tell Jungkook, he track Taehyung phone and find out where he was.

Right now Seojoon got a punch by no other than Jungkook.

Jimin hug Taehyung and take him out of the building.

Jungkook go inside the office and find the girl dressing up. He shake his head and pick the lunch box on the floor.

" You wanna talk about it." Jimin said putting Taehyung's head on his shoulder. He know when he's twin his sad.

" He cheated on me chim." Taehyung said and started crying again.
" Hey don't cry he don't deserve your precious tears."
Jungkook open the car door and look at Jimin console Taehyung and drive back home.

When they open the door Jin and Hoseok was on the living room eating.

Jin look up and saw Taehyung eyes were puffy and red he put the plate down and run to his baby.

" What happened why is he crying did you hurt did the baby hurt. Please can someone tell me what happened."

Jungkook tell Jin everything Jin was about to give Seojoon a piece of his mind but Taehyung stop him.

" mommy I'm hungry can you please feed me your delicious food."

" of course baby let's go and eat."

" what about you Minnie are you not gonna go eat." Hoseok said eating a piece of chicken.

" I already ate with Jungkook but I'm gonna eat again I'm so hungry."


It's been 6 months since Taehyung find Seojoon Cheating on him. They break up and Seojoon can't set a foot in the Kim mansion.

Yoongi keep on send flower and apologize letter to Hoseok but he never come to face him. Bogum bring the child to see Hoseok sometime the boy spend week or months with them.

Taehyung and Jimin gave birth.

Kim Taehee

That was Taehyung baby girl name

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That was Taehyung baby girl name.

Jeon Jungmin

And That was Jimin's baby boy name

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And That was Jimin's baby boy name.

Right now the kids were asleep and Jungkook was working in the bedroom.

Jimin was sleeping next to the baby.

Jungkook put his laptop down and look at Jimin sleeping and the baby was looking at the ceiling with big eyes.

" Hey young man you wake up." He pick the baby up smell his diaper. " ouf someone poopoo." Jungkook scrunched his nose the smell was bad.

He go to the changing place and change him up with a new outfit.

" Babe wake up Min is awake." Jimin open his eyes slowly look at Jungkook who was placing the baby on the bed.

" I'm sorry I fell asleep Jungmin keep me up all night."

" it's ok baby, and I tell you to wake me up when he started crying."

" you have to work early in the morning I don't want to keep you tired."

" Hey we make the baby together and we gonna stay late or not together baby." Jungkook said kissing Jimin to keep him quiet.

Chim can Handle it. 😩

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