The Convention

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Check the chapter guide for this one!
It's mostly fluff but a tiny bit of smut at the end.


"My love, I was thinking, would you like to go to a con with me?"
"What?" I immediately sat up from scrolling on my phone.
"I know stuff like that gives you anxiety and I haven't wanted to push it or anything. I know at cons my attention is really divided with filming and everything but I had a really fun idea for a matching cosplay if you'd like to?"

"Of course I want to go to a con with you."

"I can arrange for the hotel room to just be us, but Pete will probably make surprise visits and Danny's girlfriend is coming too."

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to give him a quick kiss.
"Yes I'll go with you."
"Of course. I was never going to invite myself, but it gets lonely when you are away, even if it's for a few days."
"So that's a yes?"
"Fucking of course it's a yes."
Arny picked me up and spun me around, resembling the cute scenes in movies.

I laughed as he spun me in circles,
"So what cosplay idea did you have?"


After a month of planning and anticipation we were finally getting ready.
"Love you really don't need to bring that much stuff. It's 3 days and anything we need we can buy there."

I sat on the floor shoving clothes in my suitcase. "Plus since we're flying we shouldn't bring that much stuff, just a carry on if possible."
"Boys never bring what they need." I mumbled under my breath.
"When was the last time you flew?" He sat next to me, looking over what I was putting in the bags.
"When I was five" I whispered
"What did you say?" he leaned in hear my quiet words.

"I was five ok?" I huffed and set aside an extra bag that wasn't fitting in the suitcase.

Arny laughed and reached for my hands. I pulled back and glared at him, upset for laughing at me.
"Oh no my love, not like that" he reached for me again and this time I let him. "There are some things you can't bring on airplanes and-"

"I know about shampoo and that shit." I cut him off, but his eyes showed only sympathy and affection. He held my hands as I stared at the overflowing suitcase.

"I don't know what to bring." I admitted "I don't want to pack to much or too little, but I'm scared I'll forget something important."
"Well I'm already going so what else could be important to pack?" Arny said, his god complex showing.

He then brought me in for a hug. "Are you anxious?" he asked, scratching my back gently.
He lifted my chin to force me to meet his eyes.
"Don't lie to me love"
"Fine. Yeah I'm anxious. What if something bad happens?"
"If anything happens, I'll be there."
"But what if-"
"Y/n, stop with the 'what if's' and 'maybes.'"
His gaze was firm but gentle.

"How about you tell me everything you think you'll need and I'll help you sort it."
I nodded in agreement. He stood up and with his help, I began rearranging the suitcase.

After 30 minutes of packing and double checking; as well as the additional seven minutes it took us to get Apollo to stop trying to sleep in it. My suitcase was packed. Before long everything was set up and ready. All that was left was to wait for our flight.


The drive to the airport was easy, so was checking in our luggage and going through security. As we waited for our flight, we sat in the chairs by our gate and drank coffee. People were bustling around us, some carrying briefcases and typing on laptops as they waiting for their plane. Arny sat next to me and texted Danny, letting him know our times. Next, he downloaded sixteen episodes of The Case Study of Vanitas for us to watch on the plane.

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