All Day Long

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While walking down the halls with Arny in hand, my pussy was leaking. I don't know what I would of done if he had a toy planed for today.

I tried moving my thighs closer together to keep myself from getting too wet, but it was useless. The combination of cum and slick in my panties was becoming overwhelming. And his promises of adding more throughout the day was not helping my arousal.

"Are you ok?" Arny asked as we continued down the hall.
"Love, are you ok?" he asked again, his hand slipping around my waist as we walked.
"I'm fine." My hands clenched as fingers trailed to the small of my back. My nails digging into my palms as I fought off the temptation to pull his hand lower.

I started planning out the day in my head. I opted in to be Nezuko for todays skits. I wanted to be with Arny as much as possible, and it's better that I get wacked by Pete than anyone else. He usually only hurts himself with his stupidity, but sometimes an unfortunate Nezuko will get in the crossfire.

He's definitely been more careful since he busted the wall, he fixed everything and paid for the repairs. But now he is more cautious about his surroundings when filming. Including making sure everyone around knows what he's doing. So today, I will be the volunteered Nezuko for his faux affections.

I saw a group of girls smiling with wide eyes as Arny and I walked into the main center.

Muzan and Nezuko walking hand in hand would be a sight to see in itself. But I knew exactly what was about to happen. I placed the bamboo piece over my mouth and dropped Arny's hand.

His eyes met mine and radiated disappointment. Part of his shtick is the unattainable single boy who is still up for grabs. We've kept it very private over the last 2 years, but I know the only ones I have to worry about are the fans who fantasize about getting with him. That was me at one point, but now he's mine. I smiled behind the mouth piece as the girls approached us.

I'd been putting off coming out of the shadows with the relationship. I'm surprised we'd kept it on the down low for so long, but I'm glad we have. It's nice being private, no one else's prying eyes on our relationship. But I'm tired of seeing all the love letters than come in his PO Box. Sometimes I wished I could stand up on his stream and introduce myself. But that would not have gone over very well. So today I will be presented as his girlfriend for the first time.

"Hi Arny!" A blonde girl called at us. They surrounded him as they introduced themselves. There were only four of them but I felt like I was backed into a corner. Blonde was first, she seemed enthusiastic, but kind. Brown hair was nice but skittish. One was dressed as Anya from Spy x Family, and the last was dressed as someone from an anime I hadn't seen. They each got a hug from Arny and picture or two.

He is so good at this. The kindness he shows at the attention, I could never do it. I was lost in thought as one of the girls turned to me.

"Hi! I don't think I've seen you before. Are you Arny's friend?" The blonde girl seemed genuinely curious, but in a very kind way. I quickly took out the bamboo piece, trying not to look like a mess as I began to introduce myself.

"This is y/n. They're my girlfriend." Arny said with a smile as he pulled me closer.
A small, collective gasp came from the group.

"No way!" The girl who initially talked to me gasped. "Finally!"

That was absolutely not the reaction I was expecting. I looked around the other girls in the group. Brown hair had wide eyes and a unmoved face. The Anya cosplayer was smiling and bouncing on her toes. The last girl stood there, arms crossed, looking me up and down, judging me.

"Finally someone gets him!" Blonde girl grinned at me. Her attention was no longer focused on Arny. She was spitting out questions left and right. I was trying to keep up.

"You are so pretty! I see why he likes you!"
"Thank you" I stared at my hands, not being a huge fan of the attention.
"So how come we've never seen you on stream before?"
"I usually stay in another room while he streams. I thought it would be best if we didn't have a public relationship at first."
I also didn't want anyone to be jealous, that could really ruin some stuff for him. I thought, but I can't say that.

"Well how long have you been together?"
"About 2 years."
"Holy shit! And I'm just now finding out about you?! Arny, why would you keep this lovely person all to yourself!"
I laughed, "You do realize how possessive he is, right?"

"Yeah I got you." She laughed with me. "Will we be seeing you in his streams and videos now?"
"Maybe, at least I think so. I'm going to be doing skits with Pete today."
"Awesome! I'm glad someone is getting to live out my dream." She smiled brightly before asking her next question.
"Can I get a hug?"

"Sure." I opened my arms and she gave me a quick squeeze.
"I hope to see you again! I'll be waiting to see you on stream." She winked and walked away with her friends. One of which was giving me a death glare. I guess there are the jealous fans and the happy ones.

Arny placed his hand in mine again, "I think that went well."
"I think so too. I was worried they would all hate me." I admitted to him.
"How could anyone hate you? You're amazing." He gently planted a kiss on my forehead.

We soon found the others, Danny and Amber were dressed as Loid and Yor Forger from Spy x Family. Pete followed in shortly behind them as Zenitsu.
"Good, we now have a Nezuko in the group! Can you do any stunts? I don't want you getting hurt, but it would take less editing."

"What kind of stunts? I'm not a gymnast or anything." I laughed awkwardly, gripping Arnys hand tighter.
"Can you jump pretty high?"
I though about it for a moment. "Probably. I'd just need to take off my shoes because they are not necessarily made for such activities."
"Deal. But if you can do flips that would be cool."

"I think you should talk to Amber if you want flips in your stunts." I nudged my head at the professional ice skater.
"That's right! If you're up for it, could you do some stunts with me later?"
She shrugged, "Sure, but I'm dressed as Yor today, but I'd really like to do something in this." She gestured to her cosplay.
"Sure, that would be pretty cool."

Pete kept talking about the plans for todays stunts, but I stopped listening. My head was only replaying the events of last night and this morning. His promises for the day. "Today you will walk around full of my cum. And if it all drips out, I'll just have to add more."

Lost in dirty thoughts, I barely noticed when a hand squeezed my ass. I turned and leaned on Arny's shoulder.

Pete faced the group, "Are we ready to film?"
A collection on nods and smiled went around.
"Then let's go." Pete skipped away into the crowd.

"If it gets to be too much let me know and we'll go, ok?" Arny squeezed my hand and led me around.
"And if anyone bothers you, tell me." His grip tightened. "I don't want anyone thinking they can try anything."
"And I'm keeping that promise from earlier."
I paused, "And what was that again?"

"I think you know what I said, but I'll gladly remind you." He led me away from the crowd and backed me into a corner.
"I said" he planted a kiss on my neck as he spoke quietly. His words only for me to hear. "Today you'll walk around full of my cum. And if it all spills out, I'll just have to add more. Would you like that my love?"

I breathed heavily. "I like that. I'd like that a lot."

He gently nipped at my neck as he spoke next.
"Pete is going to be chasing you around all day for content, but you are mine. You are full of my cum. You are mine. No one else's."

He pulled away and grabbed my hands.


I don't usually like doing authors notes at the end of stories but I am.
I'm sorry this chapter is so short compared to the others. My phone broke so updating the story wasn't possible for a bit. But I also hit 10k on the clocks app and I'm very happy about that! I will try to update when possible and hopefully with a better chapter.
Remember to drink water and get something to eat. You are immensely loved and cared for.

~ Alex (aka ArnysNoseRing)

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