Don't Go

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I heard rustling and the distinct sound of a door opening. I sat up quickly to see Brandon leaving the room.

I jumped up, trying to not wake Arny, and rushed to Brandon grabbing him by his sweatshirt.
"Brandon! Where are you going?"
"I was going to go back to my room..."
"Stay" I asked, "please."

His face showed many different emotions in a short moment. Shock. Nervousness. Sadness. Relief.
"Are you sure?" he asked, grabbing my hand as I all but dragged him back to the room.
"I'm sure."

I opened the door for us, only then realizing I had been in the hallway in nothing but a tshirt and panties.

I quickly rushed inside and locked the door behind us.
"You're staying. Unless you really want to go, but I want you to stay." I said simply.
"I want to stay, I just-" he glanced over at Arny, who was still fast asleep but now hugging a pillow.

Brandon lowered his bags to the floor and looked down at me with large eyes. He looked... sad?

He scrubbed a hand over his face, messing with his hair as he tried to collect his thoughts.
"Y/n, I don't know how Arny would feel about that. I never want to get in between your relationship. That's between you and Arny. But... you know I don't do the whole monogamy thing. I'm a man whore." He laughed awkwardly at his attempt at a joke.

I leaned against the wall facing him, waiting for him to finish his little speech.

"I haven't actually dated in a very long time. I go on 'dates' and the fuck, but I don't do the boyfriend/girlfriend thing."

"I know, that's why Arny was cool with everything tonight." I smiled lightly, encouraging him to continue.
"Yeah...that's kinda the issue."
He was nervously fidgeting with his hoodie strings.

"I don't want to fuck up your relationship. That's the last thing I want. But... I also want what you guys have. Don't get me wrong- the sex was awesome. But I've seen you guys out and doing cute couple shit. I really want a permanent dom/sub dynamic, something more than just a simple fuck. You guys have that. And I want that."

"Brandon, that's awesome! Do you like someone? Oh my gosh I sound like a middle schooler helping with a crush." I laughed quietly, "I just know it can be difficult to-"
"Fuck! No, not like- oh fuck this." Brandon grabbed my face and pulled my lips to his. This kiss was different from all the ones before. It wasn't inherently sexual, it wasn't wholesome but it was... passionate. He conveyed his thoughts with his lips. His confession was pure and sincere.

"It's you. I didn't realize what I was missing until I met you. I won't get in the way of you and Arny but fuck, I want to."

My shock was evident on my face. "Come to bed and we'll talk in the morning. Ok?" I gripped his large hands and pulled him towards the bed.
"I- ok." Brandon conceded and let me bring him to bed. I snuggled into Arny and lifted the covers for Brandon to get on my other side.

Brandon pulled me towards him and kissed my head. "I'll be here when or even if you're ready. I want to be yours in any way I can."

Am I making my own harem? No, that needs at least three boys with one central female love interest. Maybe one day, but I'm happy how I am.

"I'll be that for you. I want you more than you can know. I'm going to do my best to be what you need."

My eyes drooped and my breathing evened out. I was content, happy even. Before I fell asleep I thought I heard him say one last thing.

"I never believed in love until I met you."

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