Still Not Ready

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"Good morning love" Arny's voice woke me. I was still clinging to his arm, never wanting to let go, even in my sleep.

His morning voice always seems to get sexier each time I hear it. It's like an aphrodisiac sending a signal directly to my pussy.

Dammit I can't be horny so early is the morning. I scolded my body.

After reluctantly letting go of Arny's arm, we started to get ready. We somehow showered and got dressed without having sex again. Before we went down to meet Danny, Pete, Brandon and Amber for breakfast.

I winced when I sat down, my body still sore from last night.

"Are you ok?" Arny whispered. I could feel his hair against my cheek. I wish I could play with his hair...or grab it in fistfuls while he eats me out. I chewed on my cheek thinking about how damn good he is at pleasing me.

"Love? Are you ok?" he asked again as he pushed the hair out of my face.

"Yeah I'm good." I said, but whispered for only him to hear "a bit sore though..."

Arny laughed slightly. I'm glad the residual pain is funny to him. I rolled my eyes, but smiled. I can get him back later.

During breakfast the boys talked more about their plans of content for the day. I tilted back and forth in the seat. Trying to evenly distribute my weight on either side of my sore ass. The discomfort apparent in my face.

"You good y/n?" Brandon teased, knowing why I'm in pain.
"I'm fine." I huffed as I side eyed the one responsible for my soreness.
Brandon laughed but quickly covered it up with a cough. Arny was busy talking with Danny and Pete. I caught glimpses of their conversation.

"...Today we'll do My Hero cosplay then tomorrow Fairy Tail?"
"I was planning on Zenitsu today." Pete interjected sadly
" I don't know where I left my Muzan contacts." Arny said quickly

"You put them in my bag with my contacts remember?" I poked my boyfriend.
"Ok, I don't really remember what all I packed." he shook his head
"That's why you have me. The organization that only comes from being the mom friend." I teased
"So he does call you mommy-" Brandon said with a smirk, which was quickly replaced by a look of pain due to the kick I felt Arny give him from under the table.

The entire table erupts with laughter while Arny's face turns a light shade of pink. I laughed along with them, but my mouth quickly shut when I felt a hand glide up my thigh.

I shot a warning look at Arny. Just by looking at his expression you wouldn't know anything was going on under the table.

"Are you done eating?" I squeaked at him while his hand slowly made its way higher up my leg.

"I'm still hungry but I'll eat in a bit." he said quietly to me. My thighs instinctively pressed together to try to stop the slick quickly pooling in my panties.

"We're going to go get ready, we'll meet back in 45 minutes?" Arny asked the group.

"Can we all meet in your room? It's the closest." Danny suggested, a collective nod affirmed the decision, just waiting for Arny's final say.
"That's fine." Arny shrugged, grabbing my hand and quickly walking to the elevator.

"I guess you won't get any more breakfast this morning." I teased him, bumping into his side.
"I will make time." he grumbled and pulled me after him.


I stood with one leg up on the counter and one on the floor. Simultaneously stretching and trying to put on makeup.
"How much longer?" a grumpy voice asked through the closed bathroom door.
"I don't know." I said playfully
"Because we have 15 minutes to finish getting ready and I need to shave."
"You look good with a little bit of stubble." I protested, finishing one side of my eye makeup.
"Well not when I'm supposed to look like a 15 year old broccoli boy."
"I thought you were doing Muzan today?"
"I can't find the contacts."

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