Chapter 9: Lunchtime

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Morning classes in U.A. were like any other. The only difference was that those who were in the hero course had Hero Studies classes. Our final class before lunch had just finished and our class as a whole went to the school's cafeteria, the Lunch Rush.

"Mind if I joined you?" Juzo said getting in line where I was.

"I don't see a problem with that," I said, "Your performance with your quirk was impressive."

"You're telling me?" Juzo chuckled as he got his lunch, "You pulled off something nobody was expecting."

"Guess you got me there," I said looking around for a place to sit, "How about we sit over there?"

"Sounds good," Juzo said.

"Wait for me, guys!" we hear a voice from behind as we see Setsuna coming from a distance, "Don't leave me behind you guys."

"You could've asked for us to wait," Juzo said.

"Says the guys who left right away after we arrived here," Setsuna said cutely pouting.

"My bad," I said apologizing, "I'm used to eating alone so I guess I got carried away."

"Well now you have us and all of class B so don't run off on your own now," she said as I give her and Juzo a smile.

We sit down and chat while we eat out lunch and talk about what we were going to be doing during Hero Studies class. At some point we were joined by our class and we all just goofed off until it was time for next period.

"So, as you know for the hero course afternoon classes will be hero studies," Mr. Vlad said, "and lucky for you guys this year's teacher that will be teaching you is nonother than..."

Before he could finish our door slammed open and a familiar figure came running in making quite an entrance gaining everyone's attention.

"I am here!" All Might said with his entrance, "and I will be teaching you youngsters about the qualifications necessary in order for all of you to become wonderful heroes!"

He stood there and gave us his iconic laugh as Mr. Vlad left in-trusting All Might to us as everyone else was in awe that they were about to be taught by the number one hero himself. It was a brief moment, but All Might gave me a wink and I gave him a thumbs up in return.

"Before we start," All Might clicks a button on a remote as suitcases appeared from the left wall of our classroom, "the school asked for you all to submit a general idea of what your costume ls ahead of time and they tailored it as close as they could to your liking."

We all get our perspective suitcases and take a look inside as we couldn't wait to put them on.

"Follow me fellow heroes for your first step in becoming a hero!" All Might said, "Our first lesson will be Battle Trails!"

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