Chapter 19: Sports Festival - Cavalry Battle

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"There will be more suffering ahead for those at the top," Midnight said, "To Izuku Midoriya, has received ten million points!"

All eyes went straight to Midoriya. It might've been good luck that helped him win the Obstacle Race, but things were different now. Classmates and enemies alike all had their eyes on him, giving him a lot of pressure, and I was sure he knew what situation.

Midnight explains the rules of the Cavalry Battles. The points were determined by its members and the rider of the team will wear a headband to display it. Our main objective was to grab a different team's headband to gain points. Any headband we were able to take had to be worn around the neck or higher. Most importantly, even if our headbands were taken, it wasn't game over until time was up.

"You've got fifteen minutes!" Midnight spoke with excitement, "Time to form your teams!"

A timer starts to tick as students start talking to each other to form teams. I look around and scan the area to see if there was a team that would be willing to take me in. I catch a glimpse of Midoriya panicking, trying to get teammates, as I turn a blind eye so he wouldn't notice me. I see Tetsutetsu coming my way with a hand up as I approach him.

"Hey," Someone said behind me.

"Huh?" I turn around and answer, "What's u-"

My mind suddenly went blank as I stopped dead in my tracks. Instinctively, I used Shoda's Twin Impact on my leg and manage to trip myself. When I hit the ground, the blank that was clogging my mind had disappeared as if nothing had ever happened.

"Woah," I said getting back up, "Sorry about that. Was there anything you needed?"

"N-Never mind," He said leaving, "Sorry to bother you."

"Marcus!" Tetsutetsu said as I turn back around. "You alright?"

"Yeah," I said trying to see if I could still see the guy from before, "Some purple hair guy wanted to talk but I think I scared him by tripping."

"Weird and unmanly," Tetsutetsu said crossing his arms, "Anyways, you wouldn't have a team yet, would you?"

I agree to join Tetsutetsu as I follow him to the others. The purple haired guy was still on my mind since he was probably the one behind why my mind went blank. It was some kind of brainwashing quirk, but I couldn't exactly wrap my head around it.

I'm sure it'll come up sooner or later. What I need to focus on now is the Cavalry Battle.


"Everyone here's so focused on class A... why?" Monoma continues, "What makes them so different? The whole villain attack?"

"Not this again..." Kodai said shaking her head.

"Well, we'll show them..." Monoma said lightly chuckling, "why we in class B hung back and placed low in the preliminaries."

"It seems our demon lord has arrived," Juzo said.

"Monoma..." Shiozaki said, "partnering with a demon... It is unforgivable."

"...I don't know really understand what you meant but I don't plan on losing to anyone!" Tetsutetsu said hitting his fists against each other.

Our team's rider was Tetsutetsu, Juzo was the head, and Shiozaki and I were on the side.

"Hey Tetsutetsu!" Kendo said, "Us girls aren't gonna go down without a fight!"

Kendo's team proceeds to stick their tongues out to playfully provoke us.

"Hey," Monoma said to Tetsutetsu, "No hard feelings, Tetsutetsu."

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