Chapter 23: Sports Festival - Ida & Todoroki

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Well color me impressed when I finally saw Midoriya in action with his quirk. He was going head-to-head with Todoroki firing blast after blast. I looked like he was still struggling with his quirk as he injured himself every time, he used it.

I watched for a while until I left and went to the waiting room for my next match. I try and get it together as I mentally prepare myself. I close my eyes and meditate to calm down my body.

After a while, I hear though the speakers that it was announced that Todoroki was declared the victor. It was a shame that Midoriya lost but I think he should've at least put up a pretty good fight. Shortly after I was called back onto the ring for my next match. The stadium was apparently partially destroyed during the last match as little robots were picking up small pieces of dirt and ice.

My opponent was Tenya Ida of class A, he was one of the two that I saw back at the station with Midoriya. He had in interesting quirk as his calves had engines on them. I knew from previous matches that his main feature was speed.

"Hello there," I greet him as Present Mike does his usual introductions, "Thanks for taking care of Midoriya for me."

"Not at all," he responded with weird hand gestures, "He is a most formidable rival and friend."

"You look tough," I said getting ready, "I'll do my best to keep up."

"I do not plan to lose," Ida said in a running stance.

"And let the quarter final round begin!" Present Mike said as the crowd cheered.

I try to immobilize Ida with vines, but he disappeared the moment the match started. I hurry and look around to find him but receive a kick to the side. I only barely manage to block the attack with my arms as I try to retaliate with a punch of my own. Ida's speed as to fast for me to match as he evades it with a standing long jump. He kicks in mid-air as I duck to avoid the kick. When I landed, Ida wasted no time and quickly followed it up with another kick to the back which slams me to the ground.

It all happened so fast that I couldn't keep up with what was going on. Normally I want to believe that I can keep up, but my fatigue and his insane speed was overwhelming me.

Desperately, I harden my body with steel to take less damage from his attacks. His kicks hurt like hell even through the steel surrounding my body. The steel eventually wore off as I took a step back from one of his roundhouse kicks.

"I have you now!" Ida shouted as he grabbed a hold of my jacket and pulled me toward the edge of the ring.

"I-I won't let you!" I said gritting my teeth.

With a powerful shout, I enlarge my fist and claw at the ground to slow Ida down. I push him off and regain my ground. Ida came back around as I thwarted him back with the wind using my big fists. Ida tried run through but was slowly pushed back as he currently was covering his face due to the dirt mixed with the wind.

"Now is my chance!" I say to myself as I rush at him as fast as I can.

By the time he lowers his arms I throw a punch right at him. The punch alone should have been enough to push him off the stage, but Ida was fighting it through sheer determination. His speed was incredible as it was fighting my punch as I had to use vines to keep me in place. The force of Ida's speed and my fists clashed forcing us apart.

We were both in a vulnerable state and our next move would probably decide the winner. I desperately looked around for anything that could help me gain an advantage. Ida was about to kick again but he momentarily twitched his leg as I saw black smoke escape his engine pipes. I wasn't completely sure, but I presume it had something to do with his speed.

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