Chapter 10: Battle Trials Pt.1

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We were in training ground beta as we waited for everyone to get changed. But I have to say the school really went all out when tailoring these costumes. My costume consisted of a black tailcoat and waistcoat covered by a black blazer and winklepicker boots. I also had a domino mask to cover my face and a pair of white gloves.

"That's a nice costume you have there," Kaibara said complementing me.

"Yours isn't bad yourself," I said, "I like the spiral theme."

"You look awesome in that costume Shoda," he said as he thanked me and complemented my costume.

"You look like a magician," Juzo said asking me if I could pull a bunny out of my gloves as I lightly punched his arm, "I was only joking."

"But he does have a point," Setsuna said trying to hold in her laugh.

"Not you too..." Setsuna's costume was a scaly body suit, and it was hard to look at.

"Now I know you all are excited about your new costumes but first we are going to picks lots as you will be paired up for indoor team battles."

"Why indoors sir?" Kendo asks.

"A very good question indeed Kendo," All Might said, "Most run ins with the worst villains frankly happen to be indoors and this exercise is to prepare you for them."

From what All Might said, as we drew lots, one team will play the villain part while the other would play the heroes. Drawing lots also had a reason because most of the time heroes would team up on the spot. The villain team had to protect a payload while the heroes job was to either secure it or defeat the villains with white masking tape.

"All Might?" Tsuburaba said raising a hand, "What happened to that building over there?"

"Oh um... that's the aftermath of what happened after class A's session," All Might said shaking his head, "I hope you students can restrain yourselves from doing anything too destructive."

We all just stared in awe at the destroyed building and wondered if class A was just something else compared to us. Nonetheless we all drew lots, and I ended up getting paired up with Kendo.

"Look forward to working with you," I said.

"Same," Kendo said but had a disappointed expression.

"Anything wrong?" I ask.

"It's just that our opponent is Juzo and Setsuna," Kendo said drooping her head down in defeat, "How are we supposed to face two recommended students at once?"

"Don't worry about it Kendo," I said reassuring her, "Remember I'm a recommended student as well."

"Yeah, but still..."

"Come on Kendo, with your fists and my quirk I'm sure we can find something out."

"You're right," Kendo said getting back to her usual self, "We got this."

We high five each other and wait in the monitoring room as we spectate the fights of our other classmates.


And last but not else it was finally time for me and Kendo's match against Juzo and Setsuna.

"No hard feeling guys," Setsuna said determined.

"Hope we can do our best," Juzo said.

"May the best prevail," I said as we shake hands.

Kendo stayed quiet most of the time due to nervousness but still nodded to what Setsuna and Juzo had said. We picked lots for who would be the heroes and villains and thankfully we were the heroes.

"You ready for this Kendo?" I said getting ready to enter the building.

"Born ready," she said with a smirk.

"Begin!" All Might said through the speakers as the starting alarm went off signaling our entrance to the building.

We scout around to see if we could find any clues for where Juzo and Setsuna would hide the payload.

"Have any idea of where they might be hiding the payload?" I ask Kendo.

"Hm... If I was a villain than probably the safest place in this building," Kendo said.

"From what I was the blueprints before there was a place on the upper floor where there was a large window that could make a great escape route if they needed one," I said.

"Then let's check it out" Kendo said as I nod to her statement.

We run to the upper floors of the building and make our way to the destination. We hide behind a wall that led to the room we talked about and looked to see nobody was outside. Kendo and I nod as we signal each other to continue but as we do, our movements were suddenly stopped.

"The floor!" Kendo shouted.

"It's Juzo's doing!" I said as I struggled to get out of the muddy floor.

"Bingo~ That's right!" I hear Setsuna's voice but instead of her we see a bunch of clumps of her costume coming our way.

They started at attack us as the only thing we could do was focus on guarding as we started to sink faster into the ground.

"We have to get out of this somehow," I said.

"Not if I can do something about it," Juzo said as he appeared out of the ground as he thrusted me into a wall leaving behind a crater.

"Marcus!" Kendo yelled worried but got attacked by Juzo as she defended using her big fists.

When I fell onto the floor and picked myself up, I cracked a couple knuckles and got ready as I got a little pumped from the last attack.

"So, you're going to play that way?" I said getting a fist ready.

"Well two can play at that game!"

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