Chapter 12: Battle Trial Pt. 3

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"Excellent work Kendo and Marcus!" All Might said in front of the class.

"Sir?" Kendo said worried, "Are Juzo and Setsuna going to be, okay?"

"Don't worry about the two," All Might said pointing at robots taking our friends away, "They will be taken to Recovery Girl in the infirmary, and they will be back in no time."

"That's good to hear," I said reassured.

"Now let us evaluate the battle," All Might said showing us scenes of the fight on the monitor, "Can anyone tell me what both teams did that is worth mentioning?"

"The villain team chose a location optimal to protect the payload," Kodai said.

"Setsuna used her quirk to identify the location of the hero team," Shinshida said after.

"Both villains fought appropriately using their quirks and the element of surprise," Kamakiri remarked.

"All excellent evaluations!" All Might said showing us the part our classmates had bought up, "Setsuna guarded the payload and used pieces of her body to track the location of Marcus and Kendo and informed Juzo their whereabouts."

"All though we couldn't hear them, the hero team also did a great job of keeping communication throughout the fight," Komori said saying shroom after her sentence.

"They also did a great job of keeping the damage to a minimum and avoided the payload from being damaged," Kuroiro said.

"Precisely young Kuroiro!" All Might said, "Even if this was a training exercise both teams executed as if were a real situation."

"You guys were great out there!" Tetsutetsu said putting his arm around my neck, "I loved how you used my quirk and punched Juzo!"

"And the way you used mine was amazing!" Tsuburaba said.

"I-It was nothing guys," I said getting a bit shy, "Your quirks seemed to be the ones that would be most useful, so I had to used them. Sorry for not asking first."

"You kidding? If you can show us that we can used our quirk in such a way, you can use mine anytime," Tetsutetsu said as Tsuburaba agrees and so does the class.

"But most of all," All Might said putting a hand on Kendo's shoulder, "Kendo, you did a great job against opponents such as Juzo and Setsuna."

"Really? You think so sir?" Kendo said fidgeting with her fingers.

"I know since you were the only person who wasn't a recommended student in this session it could be hard, but despite the odds you still managed to pull through and I rate highly of it," All Might said giving Kendo his famous smile and thumbs up.

"You won't believe it but the whole plan in the end was Kendo's idea," I said as Kendo gave me a confused look.

"W-Wait a moment That wa-," before she could finish the class surrounded her with praise as she tried to calm them down as she looked at my direction and mouthed a thank you.

I know that I came up with the plan, but I figured at she could use a moral boost after what she went through. Plus, she did help with the plans so it wasn't completely wrong. Anyways, after class had ended, Kendo and I changed back to our uniforms and went to the infirmary to check on Juzo and Setsuna. When we arrived, they were chatting on bed with a few bandages patched on them.

"Oh, hey guys!" Setsuna said as she waved as she got tackled by Kendo as she showered her with apologies.

"You guys won fair and square so there's no need to be sorry Kendo," Juzo said reassuring her, "Well, if you can count a multi quirk using guy fair."

I was going to say something, but his words weren't wrong, and I watched as Juzo, and the others chuckled as I was left pouting by myself.

"If you kids have the energy to goof around then get back to class," Recovery Girl said behind us.

We give her our thanks and she gave us piece of candy before we left. We escort the two back to homeroom as they got a warm welcome from our classmates and complements about their performance from the session.


It wasn't long after classes were over, and I was putting on my shoes getting ready to go home. As I was about to leave, I was stopped by nonother than the two people who had found me in the cafeteria.

"Let me guess... used to going home alone I presume?" Setsuna said acting like what I had said earlier during lunch as it made Juzo, and I laugh.

"Actually, not this time," I said as she bent over in defeat, "I usually went home with a friend."

"So, the guy eats lunch alone but goes home with a friend," Juzo said, "Not weird in the slightest."

"Would you guys like to go home together?" I asked as they agreed, "I'll take you guys to the station."

"What about you?" Juzo said, "Aren't you going home?"

"I actually live in this district and the station happens to be near where I live."

"If you say so man," he said as the three of us head to the station as we talked about today.

As I wave goodbye at the two, I notice Midoriya also saying his goodbyes to two people in U.A. uniforms. I wait for a bit and then approach him as he gives me a happy expression. I noticed he had a cast on, and he explained that it was from the hero training he had done today. It had me wonder if the broken building was caused by Midoriya's team, but I didn't dwell too much into it.

He told me that the two that had just left were his classmates and he was getting along with his new classmates, and I also tell him how I got together with my class as well.

We talked over a drink from a vending machine on abench, as this was kind of becoming a tradition, as we both talked about thenew quirks we've encountered just like old times until it got dark and had togo home.

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