behind enemy lines [ ❥ ]

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"You look really good in my clothes." Luca's voice is raspy with sleep, and it sends shivers down your spine in the best of ways. You smile, turning to face him from where you're sitting at the edge of the bed.

He's still blinking the sleep out of his eyes, sprawled out on his back amidst the mess of blankets and pillows you'd both fallen asleep on last night. Messy blonde hair is splayed out across the pillows as he smiles lazily down at you, watching as the navy-blue 20 Squad t-shirt you have on skims the tops of your thighs as you get off the bed and walk to his side.

"That's good, because I'm starting to prefer seeing you out of them." You smile, watching as he blushes a little at your words. He moves to give you space to sit next to him, reaching out for you as you sit cross-legged next to him. His hand finds purchase in the curve of your waist as he looks up at you with a grin, your hand skimming across his bare torso where the sheets don't cover him and tracing the scars on his toned stomach.

You lean down and he meets you halfway. Your lips find his and he cups the back of your neck to keep you close to him as he wraps his other arm around your waist, his fingertips dipping under the hem of his t-shirt to press softly into your skin.

A quiet hum of contentment escapes your lips and has Luca grinning into the kiss. Placing both of your hands on his shoulders for balance, you uncross your legs and swing one over his to straddle his waist. He squeezes your thigh, his hands running over your body like he can't get enough of you as your lips move against one another's. Eventually you draw away, both breathless and flushed but smiling widely.

He leans up and presses his forehead to yours, smiling as you slip a hand under his head and play with his hair gently. The warmth of his body radiates into your own and you find yourself cuddling into him, pressing your face into the crook of his neck as his arms encircle you and pull you close. You're still locked in that embrace when your phone rings from the nightstand on the other side of the bed, and with a flash of a grin you roll over Luca to grab it.

He's still groaning in mock pain when Rocker's contact ID comes up on your phone, and you quickly accept the call. Your boss's voice fills your ear as Luca moves closer to you, putting a hand on your thigh and tracing shapes into your skin as you try and listen to what Rocker is saying. It's nothing good, and though it pains you to say it you tell him you're on your way to HQ to meet him and the rest of the squad.

You hang up with a groan, and flop backwards onto the bed. Your head lands comfortably on Luca's stomach and he strokes your hair soothingly as you grumble under your breath, smiling down at you as you start mentally readying yourself for the day.

"Wonder what Rocker would say if he saw how quickly you traded in those 50 Squad blues for one of mine, hm?" There's a teasing tone to his voice, one that earns him a mocking slap to his chest.

"I wonder what Street and the team would think if they knew you were fraternizing with the enemy." Now it's your turn to dodge, and you roll to the other side of the bed to avoid a dig to the ribs. The sounds of soft laughter fill the room as you stand and start getting ready.

You were still in your work clothes when you arrived on Luca's doorstep last night. The memories flood back as you pull your crumpled 59 David polo from off of his dresser and try not to cringe as you remember how it got there. You're still doing up the zipper on your pants when a strong pair of arms wrap around you from behind, pulling you against Luca's chest as he nuzzles into your neck smugly.

"Say what you like, baby", he hums under his breath, his lips brushing the shell of your ear as he speaks, "But I've never seen someone sleep so soundly behind enemy lines before."

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