double date disaster [ ❥ ]

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"Please tell me that didn't go as bad as I think it did." Is the first sentence out of your mouth the second that the silhouettes of your and Luca's dates disappear from your eyeline amidst the bustling street, allowing you the chance to finally drop your shoulders in quiet defeat as the two of you begin your shared walk of shame back to his truck so you can head home.

"You know I've never been able to lie to you." Luca's equally as flat response has a bit of an easier edge to it that, while letting you know he's as painfully aware as you are that your grand visions for your impulsively-agreed to double date with the pair of pretty Feds you'd spent the week working with on a counterfeiting case had gone as woefully south as you felt it did, makes your heart feel a little lighter over it as you reach his truck.

"Still", he continues, as he opens the passenger door for you to slip into and leans on the open ledge with a good-natured smile that you can't help but feel is a product of him noticing your downcast nature - but that you allow yourself a small smile at in return all the same. "I could imagine worse people to be going home with at the end of the night than you."

The amber-hued streetlights glitter through the windscreen, blurred by Luca's form as he jogs around the hood to climb in beside you and start the engine to begin the drive back to your shared home - the brief seconds' gap in which, as you adjust the draping of his suit jacket over your shoulders and let your mind wander through the night just passed, you can't help but wonder if that might be part of the reason why it ended the way it did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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