breakfast [ ❥ ]

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"You didn't have to do this, babe." Luca says, smiling as he takes a seat at the table and happily  watches on as you busy yourself with plating up the eggs and bacon on the stovetop.

"I know, I just wanted to." It wasn't often that you were the one to cook between the two of you, but when this morning you'd been the first to wake you figured you'd make the most of it. You grow sheepish as you set the plate down in front of him, knowing how clumsily made it must look. "Can't guarantee it'll be even close to as good as your cooking, but I tried."

Luca pulls you close and tugs you into his lap for a hug, smiling into your shoulder as he holds you tight and you blush. Maybe you hadn't done such a bad job after all.

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