cocktails [ ❥ ]

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"Now, I know my cocktails aren't a patch on DeLalo's- " Luca admits, as he leaves the kitchen to join you on the couch whilst balancing a glass of precariously full highball glasses of brightly-coloured liquor in either hand. "But I think they'll get us through the night just fine."

You accept the drink gratefully with a grin while the opening credits on the film before you start rolling, and as he takes his seat next to you on the couch you tell him he needn't worry so about his mixologist skills. "Your company's a much bigger draw, I promise."

"So you're saying you'd rather kick it with me, drinking awful cocktails and watching old movies than go out with Tan and the rest and catch a date?" A fondly humored kind of incredulousness is written all over his face, but his smile betrays that he's not particularly nonplussed over your decision about where to spend your night - but there's still a question there, one that you answer as you smile behind the rim of your glass with just a hint of sheepishness.

"Sure seems like it, doesn't it?"

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