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The cold night washes over both you as both you and Luca make your way out of the restaurant, conversation flowing easy as anything between the two of you as you tread down the manicured front steps and onto the street.

Offering you his arm to take, a blush tints Luca's cheeks as you wrap your arm around his and hold onto him with a smile as you walk. A quietness falls between you, and you're both content to walk along peacefully until Luca breaks the silence.

"Thank you for saying yes." He blurts sheepishly, meeting your eyes awkwardly when you cock your head at him. "When I asked you out, I mean- thank you for saying yes to a date."

"Thank you for asking." You reply with a smile, squeezing his bicep and laying your head against his arm for a beat as you walk. "I really like you, Luca. Honestly, I thought I couldn't have been more obvious about it these last few months. There was no way I would've turned you down."

A furious blush covers his face, and this time you know there's no blaming it on the cold.

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