red velvet [ ❥ ]

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When you get home, the smell is the first thing that hits you as you step through the door. It's of rich chocolate and saccharine vanilla, and comes coupled with Luca's beaming face appearing from over the counter once he sees you.

"Baby, hey!" He's got flour all down the front of his hoodie and a smear of what looks to be egg yolk on his face, but he's not to be encumbered by it as he presses an excited kiss to your forehead in greeting. "Come here quick, you gotta try this!"

He leads you through the chaos of the kitchen over to the far countertop. The marble is dusted in flour and dollop of a ruby-red mixture, and laden with miniature containers of food dye and stout bottles of rich Mexican vanilla. At the center of the counter sits a cakeboard, on top of which is a clumsily-iced round of red velvet cake.

Still jittering with excitement, he cuts the both of you a thick slice each. The icing is still wet and sticks to your fingers as you pick it up, and the cake is warm as you take a bit. In classic Luca fashion, he'd followed the recipe to the last minute detail and as such, it's nothing short of absolutely perfect.

Your praises fall on deaf ears as Luca sets down his slice to pull you into a victorious hug. His lips are sticky with frosting as he presses them to your cheek, and once he pulls you in for a proper kiss you can taste the sweetness from the cake on his lips.

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