puzzled [ ❦ ]

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Pushing open the front door, you're faced with the sight of a very frustrated Luca casting a pair of resistance bands aside as he storms into the kitchen.

Street meekly follows along behind him as he tries to calm his friend down, noticing you in the doorway and giving you a commiserating look as you step inside and shut the door. At your gesture, the younger man leaves the room with a mumbled apology and leaves you and your boyfriend alone.

"Luca." Your voice is soft, your puzzled expression fading into one of concern as you stride towards him. He just shakes his head, rifling through the fridge and snagging a bottle from one of the shelves and unscrewing the lid to raise it to his lips as he turns around and leans against the countertop.

"What do you need?" You ask gently.

"I- " He pauses, shaking his head as he runs his hand through his hair, avoiding your eyes as he rocks back and forth on his feet. "Can... can I have a hug? Please?"

You don't have to think twice before you reach out, and take him into your arms. He sinks into you, face falling to the crook of your neck as he wraps his arms around you and shuts his eyes in the safety of your embrace.

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