helping hand [ ❥ ]

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"Need a hand?" You ask as you re-enter your bedroom, placing the glass of water and two Aspirins on the bedside locker as you watch Luca struggle out of his hoodie at the edge of the bed. A bright blush dusts his cheeks and a lazy smile covers his face as he slowly turns to face you, reaching out for you drunkenly with both hands. You shake your head at him as you walk to him, but a grin takes over your face nonetheless. "Come here, baby."

You help him to stand, bearing most of his weight as he sways on his feet. Motioning for him to lift his arms up, he does so and you pull his hoodie up over his head. It ruffles his hair and you reach up to smooth it back down, smiling as he nuzzles into your touch.

You cast the garment into the laundry basket beside the door and he giggles, leaning in to wrap his arms around your neck.

"Thank-you", he says in a sing-song voice. "You're the best."

You smile at him and he presses a big kiss to your cheek. Next are his jeans, and you put a hand on his waist to steady him as you undo his button and zipper. He clumsily reaches for your shoulders to balance himself as you lean down to slip them down his legs, helping him to step out of them so you can cast them to the side. As you stand up again, Luca reaches out for you and cups your face in his hands as he giddily presses a kiss to your nose.

"You're so warm and so soft and so lovely and s- "

You cut him off by engulfing him in a hug, wrapping an arm around his back and the other around his neck to pull him in to you. Squeezing him tight for a few seconds, he's still smiling like a goof when you separate and gently guide him back to bed. You help him to lay down, tugging a throw blanket up over him and pressing a swift kiss to his forehead before you stand and make your way to the foot of the bed to begin to undress for the night.

By the time you're finished and ready to climb into bed, you find him already asleep. With a shake of your head and a fond smile, you pull the covers up over you both and drape an arm over his side so you can keep him close to you.

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