flirting [ ❧, ❥ ]

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"What was that for?" You ask as Luca draws away, both of you left a little breathless after he'd pulled you to him for a kiss in the middle of the bar.

"Are you kidding?" Luca's tone is a little indignant as he valves over your shoulder, ensuring he'd done as he hoped when he came over. With his hands still on your hips, he squeezes you gently as he lowers his voice. "That asshole was chatting you up for like ten straight minutes! He couldn't have made it more obvious that he was flirting. I know you weren't paying him any attention, but still."

"Aw." You say through a laugh. There's a furious blush in his cheeks, one that definitely can't be blamed on just liquor alone, and you are absolutely going to play up to his boldness. "You feeling a little jealous, Dom?"

He gives you a sharp look and bumps you with his elbow as he turns and leans against the bar. As he flags down the bartender and gets you both two more drinks, he rolls his eyes as you lean up but lets you press a smiley kiss to his cheek.

"You're the only one I'm gonna be going home with." His eyes flit warily to you as he sighs, letting you slip under his arm and cozy up to him again. "Don't forget that."

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