sweet talker [ ❥ ]

772 19 3

As short as the walk back up the beach from the water to Luca's truck is, it manages to feel like forever when you're as soaked as you are and still lugging that damned surfboard in your wake.

"This was such a bad idea." You lament through a groan, to which Luca laughs brightly - even as you stick out your leg out to the side, and give it a shake to try and dispel some of the sand still stuck to your wetsuit. "God, I've got sand in places I didn't know sand could go."

"A little more than I need to know, but okay." His smile is immovable and he bumps his shoulder with yours as you finally reach his truck and lean your boards up against the sunbaked metal. "Come on, you enjoyed it really."

You make a noise of disagreement as he reaches into his duffel bag, and fishes out towels for you both. He tosses one to you and smiles fondly when you wrap it tightly around your shoulders despite the warmth out.

"The part where we were warm and dry and eating breakfast in your truck, yes." You state flatly, leaning back against the truck as Luca makes his way over to you while he towels himself off. "The sandy and soaked and seawater-y, not so much."

He pulls a humoured face at you but still reaches out to tuck you under his arm. As ever, he runs hot enough to keep the both of you warm and as you relax into him, a small smile starts to grow on your face. It doesn't escape Luca's notice, and he returns your smile as he leans over to press a kiss to your forehead.

"You gotta look on the bright side." He tells you, to which he earns a doubtful look from you before he acquiesces with a nod of his head and shoots you with a hopeful expression and a shrug of his shoulders. "What if I promised to make up for it? By way of lunch, and getting you warmed up."

A newfound heat rises to your cheeks, and you hold back a smile of your own as you lift your shoulder nonchalantly like there's anything to be thought about. "Guess I could be persuaded."

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