when it rains [ ❥ ]

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"Why didn't you call me?!" Luca's voice reverberates around the small bathroom as you walk in, with him hot on your heels as you start to shed your soaking clothing. "I would've come and gotten you, you know that!"

"Of course I do, Luca." You sigh as you pull your drenched shirt over your head, depositing it on the floor with a shiver.  "But it was only a couple streets away and I didn't want to bother you so late."

When you'd stepped out of your Uber a couple streets away to save your friends some time in getting home, you figured you'd be fine. But as you walked through the downpour and gotten soaked in the process, only to open the door to your boyfriend's worried face - you realised it mightn't have been the smartest move.

Shedding the rest of your clothes, you turn to see Luca already turning on the show for you. Steam fills the room and you press a kiss to his cheek in thanks as you step in, the warmth making you shiver.

"I wouldn't be opposed to some help now, though." You say, smiling at him over your shoulder as you stand under the warm spray. He rolls his eyes, but holds open the curtain and starts to undress to join you anyways.

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