postcards [ ❥ ]

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As the dial tone rings in your ear, you flip the small card back and forth in your hands with a smile. On one side of the postcard is a glossy print of the towering Brandenburg Gate and on the other is rows of Luca's scrawled handwriting, and as his voice crackles over the line you make a mental note to add it to all the others that he's sent you in the time he's been in Germany.

"Hey stranger!" The time difference has no effect on his enthusiasm, and you can hear the smile in his voice as he speaks. "Talk to me, what's up?"

"Hey yourself." His happiness is infectious and you find yourself smiling at the sound of his voice after these last few days without speaking to him. "We're all good here. You got any new stories for me?"

He's more than delighted to get to tell you about his new coworker and their antics, quickly launching off into a new tale to tell you - and you're more than happy to listen along.

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