neck [ ❥ ]

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It's late in the morning when you wake - the bright afternoon sun shining in through the windows tells you that much. Stretching with a groan, you feel the bed shift next to you and in no time at all, Luca's rolling over to face you. Still half-asleep, he reaches out for you with lidded eyes and a raspy voice that pleads with you to stay in just a little longer.

"What's happened to Mr. Early Bird?" You ask, your own voice still thick with sleep. Luca simply groans in reply, shuffling further over the bed until he's half laying on you under the covers. He mutters something, but it's lost when he shoves his face into your neck to shield his sore eyes from the sunlight streaming in.

"What, baby?"

"I said", he groggily repeats, with a childish annoyance in his voice that makes you giggle. "That it's different when there's better company in bed than out of it."

"Company?" You ask, a fake note of hurt in your words. "Is that all I am to you?"

"No, of course not." He responds, throwing an arm around you and intertwining his legs with yours. "Now go back to sleep before I change my mind."

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