puppies [ ❥ ]

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"I'm seriously starting to regret that bet." Luca groans as you drag him down another hallway in the animal shelter, cooing over all the adorable dogs and puppies inside. "We've been here for an hour already - are you close to being able to pick one?"

"How could you ask that? Look at them! I'm gonna need a while to pick the perfect one out." The pure excitement coursng through your veins is more than enough to cancel out Luca's grouchy demeanor as you stop to awe at a gorgeous little Cocker Spaniel who barks and yips at your presence. "And besides, if you hadn't grossly overestimated your basketball skills against mine, we wouldn't be here."

Luca mumbles something in reply, but the sight of your bright and beaming expression starts to wear him down. You catch the small smile tugging on his lips, and lean up to press a happy kiss to his cheek.

"Don't worry, baby." You beam, hugging onto his arm as you start to bring him to look at another pup. "Try as I might, I'm sure I'll never be able to find one cuter than you."

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