lazy loving [ ❥ ]

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Laying in a mess of limbs on the sofa, you and Luca spend the last few hours of the night catching up on House of the Dragon. Or Game of Thrones, or maybe Lord of the Rings - all you know is that there's dragons and lots of angry people, and that if Luca keeps tracing shapes into your hip as soothingly as he currently is, you'll be fast asleep in minutes.

His legs lay interwoven with yours, and your knee crooked over his hip. His gaze is very intently trained on the TV and he uses your arm as a pillow to prop his head up, which is a-okay in your books as you're free to bury your face in his neck and play gently with his hair to your heart's content.

"You good there, baby?" He asks after a bit, watching the way you nod into his neck.

"Perfect." You tell him, even though your voice is muffled by your close proximity.

"We can head to bed if you wanna." He muses, half hoping you'll say no so he can continue to take comfort in the gentle touch of your hand in his hair for a little while longer. "Probably be more comfortable there."

"M'fine here." You're quick to interject, nearly making him laugh.

"I can tell." He says, his smile evident in his voice as he wraps an arm around your waist as settles in for a little while lumber spent cuddled up with you.

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