stormy nights [ ❥ ]

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Loud rolls of thunders can be heard everywhere in the house, even more so when they're interspersed with cracks of lightning as the storm rolls through LA.

It's not as bad as the news had forecasted, but it's still keeping you up as the noise seems inescapable. No matter how hard you clamp your pillows over your head, every time you find yourself on the brink of sleep you're jolted awake by the rattle of thunder in the sky above and it grows old quickly.

At least the power's stayed on, something for which you're grateful. If it wasn't, the first sign would surely be Luca and Street's groans of protest coming from down the hallways at their gaming night being cut short. But, you're still hearing the soundtrack of the game and their ramblings over the sounds of the storm outside, so all seems well.

It's only a little while later when that noise stops, and you hear the two of them bidding each other goodnight. A few moments pass before heavy footfalls come down the hall in your direction, and the bedroom door squeaks open as Luca peaks his head do side to check if you're asleep.

The light that slips in through the door falls right across your face, and with a loud groan you roll over in the bed. Luca laughs as he steps inside and shits it behind him, making a beeline straight for you.

The bed dips as he dives in, slipping under the comforter and throwing his arms around you. He kisses the back of your neck as he shuffles around to get comfortable, before laying down with him arms wrapped tightly around you.

Your peace is short-lived, however, as a particularly loud crack of thunder rolls over the house. It makes Luca jump, pulling you close to him, and he doesn't relax until it's over. When you cast a look over your shoulder to see his anxiety-wracked face, it makes you sit up with a look of concern.

"Luca?" You ask in a hushed tone, putting your hands on his shoulders as he curls up by your side. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing", he says in a small voice, but at your unconvinced expression he elaborates as he toys with the strings on his hoodie. "Nothing, just... I don't like the sounds."

It's a suspicion you've held for a while, so you're not all that surprised at his words. You know there isn't all that much you can do except help him ride it out, which is exactly your plan.

"Come here." You say as you lay back down, opening your arms to him. "I'll keep you safe."

He moves into your embrace quickly despite his initial scoff. Laying his head on your chest and wrapping his arms around your waist, he all but sighs in relief as you tug the covers up over your both and kiss his head as the storm rages on around you.

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