yellow [ ❥, ❦ ]

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The sound of footsteps coming from the hallway is what draws your attention away from the TV, making you cast a look over your shoulder from where you sit curled up on the sofa.

When your eyes land on a tall, swaying figure lingering in the hallway, you're feeling both exasperated and protective as you turn down the TV and sit up to look at him.

Luca stands there, still not looking any less feverish or tired since you managed to coax him down into bed a little over an hour ago to sleep off the bout of fever he'd come down with that morning. You say his name under your breath as you climb out of the mountain if blankets you've found yourself under and it draws his attention, making his glassy eyes flit to you as he tugs aimlessly on the drawstrings of his rumpled yellow hoodie while you walk up to him.

"You need to rest, and the only way you're gonna do that is in bed." You're gentle as you speak, putting a hand on his arm both to steady and soothe him as he shifts his weight from one foot to the other while he nods after considering your words for a second.

"Only if- only if y'come with me, though." He mumbles unsurely, pausing for a moment as if unsure of his words before a tired smile blossoms on his face when you take his hand gently and start to lead him back to his room with a smile.

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