carnival chaos [ ❥ ]

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"Are you sure about this?" You holler over the blaring fairground music as you and Luca clamber onto the carousel platform, treading carefully through the bunches of people and making it to an open seat big enough for the both of you.

"Not even remotely!" Is his unassuring reply. With a grin brighter than the strobe lights shining all around you, he helps you swing one leg over the saddle of the horse and then the other. As you shift and settle on it, he climbs on after you - his board chest flush against your back, and his arms wrapping right around you to grab the gilded railing in front of you.

The ride jolts as it chugs to life, and you yelp out in fright. Luca's only response is to tug you tighter against him as he rests his chin on your shoulder from behind.

"Don't worry, baby. I've got you." He presses a kiss to your cheek as he smiles, squeezing you tighter as the platform starts to spin and you sink back into him with equal parts excitement and terror written in your face. "Now hold on!"

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