borrowing [ ❥ ]

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"Hey, Luca?" You call out, stepping out of the bathroom and into his room clad only in a towel.  "Can I borrow a t-shirt for tonight?"

"Yeah, of course you can." He answers from the living room. As he pads down the hallways towards you, his voice grows louder. "You know where to find them, top drawer on the left chest of them."

You walk to the dresser, and tug open one of the drawers only to find it empty. Weird, but okay - you reach for the drawer beside it, and find it stacked neatly with brightly coloured shirts and hoodies. Fishing one from it - your favourite of his, a dark navy one with his callsign on the back and the SWAT eagle on the shoulder - you shove the drawer shut, and let the towel drop to the floor. As you're pulling it over your head, you hear Luca enter and let out a low wolf whistle at the sight.

Laughing, you flip him off after you have the shirt on properly. Shaking your head, your attention turns back to the empty drawer in front of you and you step to the side as you gesture towards it.

"Why've you got an empty drawer? It's not like you don't have anything to put in it." You say, moving away to flop down on the bed with a grin. "You own more cargo shorts than anyone I've ever met."

"Hey, shut up." He says, crossing the room and chucking a pillow at you as he does. He stops just short of you, and pushes the drawer shut slowly. "It's uh... it's for you."

You look at him confusedly.

"For your stuff, I mean. To store the stuff you need to keep here, for when you're over?"

"I get my own drawer?" You say with a grin, crossing your legs underneath you as you look up at him. "Wow, at this rate I'm gonna expect a ring the next time we're out."

"Careful now", he says in a serious tone, flopping down on top of you on the bed and wrapping his arms around you as you both dissipate into laughter. "You keep running your mouth like that, and you'll talk yourself right out of it."

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