thunderstorms [ ❦, ❥ ]

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"Are you sure this is okay?" Luca's voice is just above a whisper, and almost drowned out by the loud winds and rain battering down outside. But, seeing as you're laid just inches away from him under the covers of your bed, there's no chance you'd miss them.

"I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't, Luca." Is your tired reply. Still half-asleep through the whole exchange, you twist around and look at him over your shoulder where he lays beside you. "Just try to get some sleep, okay?"

"Okay." He mumbles back. He's tense, so tense, and it's written all over his features as you glance at him out of the corner of your eye. As he shifts under the blankets next to you, tugging them up over himself, he glances over to you again as he lays back. "Thank you."

You smile to yourself, even though the shaky tone of his voice plucks at your heartstrings just a little. "For the sympathy or the company?"

"The not judging me part." Though he cringes inside at his words, Luca needs to tell you that. When he'd stood cowering in your doorway only a few minutes ago, he didn't really know what he'd come to you for - comfort, a distraction, whatever - but you'd welcomed him with open arms and, as it were, a warm bed. "I know it's silly, given what we do b- "

"But nothing, Luca." Propping yourself up, you reach out for him and put a hand gently on his shoulder as you look down at him. You'd known about your friend's fear of thunderstorms for a while now, but this had been the first time he'd sought comfort in you and you were determined to not worsen his already anxious state. "It doesn't matter. You're allowed to be scared of things, you can't possibly be brave all the time."

Luca looks poised to reply when there's a deep, rolling crack of thunder outside. He flinches, jumping close to you while his hand darts out to grab yours.

"It's okay, I promise." Your voice is soft as you drape an arm over his chest, gently pulling him into you. As you intertwine your fingers with his and squeeze his hand comfortingly, Luca finds himself thinking that he'll have no trouble sleeping soundly tonight.

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