gold [ ❥ ]

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It's only when the morning sun starts spilling through the blinds that you and Luca realise that what had arguably been the best night of your lives had turned to morning. As much as you had wished for that night to never end, the daylight only enhanced the memories - in every meaning of the word.

Though you can feel the weight of it, it takes you raising your hand to your face for you to really believe it's there. But when your eyes fall upon it, there's no denying it. All four carats of it.

The morning light glints off the small rock set into the band of gold and across the room to splay out on the walls. Prisms flicker and glint right in front of your eyes and you're too entranced watching how the light cascades with every flick of your wrist when-

"Watch where you point that damn thing, would ya?"

You can feel Luca's chuckle reverberate through his chest and right through to your jaw where it's pressed against his collarbone. He can feel your smile against his skin and he can't stop a grin of his own from forming, even as he lifts his arm to shield his eyes from your little light show.

The arm that isn't hovering over his eyes finds purchase on your waist. Fingertips skim across each curve and dip of your spine like he's trying to make a mental map of your body. It crossed your mind to make a comment about him mapping out your body now after he'd spent all of last night taking you in, but as his hands pass over the fingertip-shaped bruises littering your hipbones, the words die on your lips.

"I still can't believe you." You lay down your arm across his stomach and laugh softly when he jerks at the cold of the ring against his bare skin. "I'm no jeweler but we've both seen our fair share of stolen gems. That couldn't have been cheap, baby."

Luca scoffs. His hand finds yours, and he intertwines your fingers with his, raising your arms up till they're hovering right in the path of the sun's rays. "And what about it? How many time have I sa-"

"I'm worth my weight in gold, yeah." You laugh, and swat at his chest lightly. "Figure I've heard that one a couple times."

"Come on now, we meet when you're the lead on a jewel heist and I end up saving your ass when your cover gets blown in the middle of a UC meet. How am I meant to pass up that opportunity?"

You dissipate back into laughter, and a comfortable silence settles over you both. Your hands are still entwined, now resting on Luca's stomach. His thumb brushing over and back your joined fingers, circling the band on your ring finger with extra care.

"It's just a placeholder, anyways." You swear you can feel his chest puff out ever so slightly as the note of pride in his voice grows stronger. "Till I can put a proper ring on that finger. One with my name on the inside."

He tilts his head downwards at the same time you tilt yours up, and you swear you've never seen as pure a look of love before. "What do you say to that?"

You lean up and brush your lips against his. He smiles, knowing that he's in for the teasing of his life after last night - in for a life of all of it. All of you.

"I say yes, Mr Luca."

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