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You stared on the car's window bored, This was your second university since you were forced to transfer and land on the your home country with your sister. “Miss Y/N, I hope you have a wonderful day at school today.” The driver said, he was already old, but he served our family for years now naturally You are close to him. He watched you grow up for years. “Yes, Thank you, Wei.” You said beaming a smile.

You, the second daughter of a family of businessman. Since you were a child you were always trained as a next business heir of your mother's company. Your sister had already inherited the company of your father, But the thing is; You hated it.

The University that your sister graduated from, “They just like to put me in a lot of pressure don't they?” You muttered as you stared at the university infront of you.

Even though you don't lack at anything, You were smart on everything but it would be a lie if you said you were born with it. You had to work hard to be called a genius, with tons of thick books laying inside your library.

“You are Ms. Y/N i presume?” You saw a woman she had brown hair with green eyes. “Yes.” You said bluntly. “My name is Lisa, the librarian. I was told that our famous graduate's sister will come to our school so I was chosen to guide you of course, so Y/N shall we go?” You nodded only as you thanked her for her kind offer to tour you around.

“You are a Majoring Business right? So i trust you don't like this kind of rooms, Just like your sister? this is our culinary arts located.” You stared at the room, full of cooking and baking ingredients and equipments. Lisa noticed it but didn't say anything else.

“And lastly we are here in the field of your department.” You looked at the room filled with somethings you recognized for a business students such as you, you always saw this growing up. You're not even impressed on it anymore.

“We have a new student joining our class, Please come in and introduce yourself.”

You bowed as you introduced yourself. “My name is Yae Y/N.” You saw unfamiliar people, sure enough this was a new foreign place for you. As you sat down and the professor started to teach something that you already know you could only write down notes as you were biredly scribbling on your notes.

As the bell rang, you hurriedly got out of the room and walked towards the cafeteria. You brushed off your uniform as you got in a lot of people was staring at you but you just kept a stoic face as you ordered. After successfully ordering you ate your snack in peace; no annoying friends, no people to chat with. You checked your phone and saw your messages bombarded with questions from your friends, you sighed as you closed it returning it to your pocket as you threw your trash on the garbage can.

You walked towards the exit flipping your hair as it got on the way of your face. You saw a white haired man with red streaks coming on your way as you walked surprisingly when you walked passed him you felt something triggering your heart, like a warm fuzzy feeling but you kept your cool.


Kazuha walked back on their table as he saw his friends talking, then they heard a shout from Xiao. “God damn it Hu Tao! I'm in a middle of my game stop calling me!” Xiao said angrily which made all of his friends chuckle. “All the more reasons to annoy you then.” Hu Tao said ending the call. Xiao just turned his phone off,  mad and annoyed. “Hey kazuha, didn't you know?” Venti asked all of the sudden.

“What?” Kazuha said as he looks at Venti. “The girl you bumped she's the new transfer student in the campus.”

“How do you know that?” Venti chuckled, “Lisa told me of course.” Heizou only adjusted his glasses; “Why don't you worry on your poetry performance later rather than checking out the new transfer student?”

“Hey! I already memorized my lines for the performance also you might not know this but I heard she was the sister of the famous president that was an alumni years ago!”

“Isn't it Senior Yae?” Venti laughed and nodded, “Huh, So she's Senior Yae's sister..” Heizou said as he pondered. How could the six of them forget their Senior Yae. She was the senior that made their perform in skirts when they were still in highschool made them wear wigs and skirts because the actors were not present, Till this day Xiao could only shiver upon remembering that tragic day.

After school you saw an Ice cream parlor near the university so you were curious, when you opened the door you saw a familiar faces and non-familiar ones you recognized some people from your class. You walked towards the cashier as you picked some ice cream flavours that you wanted to. You brought it with your card since you had no cash with you which made the cashier sweat as she saw your black card. You saw people looked at you with shocked expressions, luckily your driver waved he just arrived. Getting your order you quickly left the store.

Kazuha and his friends didn't say anything for a moment, “That's the new transfer student earlier.” Keqing said making Yoimiya and Ayaka looked at her. “I saw her at the library alone, I thought she was lonely so i tried to sit with her but didn't talk. I saw her answered a whole equation so fast that i sweat.” Shinobu a law student said, Yanfei raised her brow. “Is she really that amazing? I mean I knew she was Senior Yae's sister but wow...”

“Hmm. Look, look.” Keqing said as she brows through her phone and showing it to her friends in which kazuha and the others squinted their eyes looking at the screen. “WOAH WHAT THE FUCK??” Heizou said as he saw the picture.

It was your mother's account that Keqing saw. She posted a photo of you on your graduation from highschool and how many medals of achievement you got but you looked.. cold.

“Ahhh she's so cool, and pretty too.. I wonder if we can be friends with her..” Ayaka said pouting, Yoimiya nodded agreeing with her. “I don't know, usually I don't mind interacting and socializing with someone but Y/N is really unapproachable.” Keqing said in a worried tone.

Venti laughed, “Why don't you all take it slow first?”


“Hello dear, how are you?” Yae said as you got home. She was reading a book on the living room; You and your sister was close you just didn't like how your parents tried to force you into becoming the second version of her, A successful, Genius that handed the company very well. They had high expectations for you to fulfill, your sister on the other hand was more like a chill person, Others might think she's a weird person by the way she acts but she's the best.

“It was fine, I guess not too bad.” You said as you handed her a tub of icecream that you brought. “My Y/N, what's this?” She said. “A gift, I guess anyway.. I won't be eating till later I have assignments and i need to study so eat without me.” You said hurrying upstairs to dose yourself with books.

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