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“Y/N here! It's our booth here.” You bit your lips on nervousness. Keqing gave you a reassuring smile. “Yoimiya already said she's got it all under control.” You nodded trying your best to stay cool. “But first let's head to our booth and try to sell some things first okay?” You nodded. You had hoped that atleast today you will get to say this lingering feelings for him.

A woman with white hair and a person with gray hair with white streaks walked passed you, noticing she is going to a familiar direction. You saw her going through kazuha's booth, which made you stop all the girls squealed like she was some sort of celebrity. And unknowingly Kazuha smiled at the sight of her too. “It's Irin! And Minatsu!” You bite your lips, looking away. Keqing found it amusing and didn't say anything.

Kazuha looks happy to see them.

When it was almost lunch break the people were almost thinning so you had a break, A guy approached your booth. He looked handsome. “Hello, How much is this?” He asked, he had long pale blond hair with blue eyes. He was wearing a glasses. “500¥ Sir..” You said. He smiled as he handed you the money, “I'll buy it then.”

Suddenly Keqing exclaimed, “Albedo? Hi! How are you?” Keqing asked excitedly. “Hello, Keqing and..?” You looked left to right to see no one but you. “Oh I'm.. Y/N.” You smiled. “Y/N this is Senior Albedo, he is a med student.” You nodded. “You must be the transferee?” You nodded and smiled at him.

Somehow you felt a little chilly. Like someone was glaring at you front and back. Keqing sent a wink on Yoimiya's stoll which made the dirty blonde lady wink back at her, whispering at Ayaka, For there next move. Ganyu then came with loads of heavy boxes. “Sooo heavy..” She said panting.

Albedo's attention shifted to Ganyu, as keqing helped the poor lady. “Senior Albedo, can you please get this to Room 3-A? I think Ganyu needs a rest.. Y/N you can go with Senior.” You were about to protest saying you could do it but Albedo himself agreed. “Sure, I wouldn't make Xiao angry at me for refusing helping his sister.” What?

“Xiao and Ganyu are siblings??” You gave them a confused look. In which keqing chuckled, “They are, they're four in total. The third person is our classmate unfortunately she's not here because she's stuck in the hospital because she injured herself.” You would have never guessed, since Xiao and Ganyu barely talk to each other when you all hung out.

You lead albedo to the room. As you two talk about some things, It turns out Albedo likes alchemy and believes on them. He is also the student council in the school since when you pass by other students they would greet him with. “How about it Y/N? Do you also want to apply for a position on the Student Council?” You giggled as you nodded in a joking way. “Great, being in the council isn't so bad itself.” maybe you'll give it a shot, After it was done Albedo and you said goodbye to each other. After in which you received a message from Yoimiya that they are in Theatre room so you decided to go there immediately.

When you entered the room it was dim, and you saw a familiar man standing on side staring at the window, “Kazuha? What are you doing here—?” And it hit you, this was there plan you almost slapped yourself. “I was told by Yoimiya to come here theres someone waiting for me..? And you..?” You gulped.

”I uh.. uhm..” You said trying to compose yourself, your heartbeat started to get faster and Kazuha walked towards you which made you panic and forgot what you were going to say to him. Suddenly Kazuha pinned you against the wall yout face was close against each other, and you couldn't help but stare at his scarlet red eyes. “Is there something you want to say to me, Y/N?” You looked down, there was no way you can say it not in this situation.

You pushed him away lightly as your face blushed. “Kazuha, I like you.” you said with a blunt face there wasn't much reaction, so you prepared to leave him. “That's all I want to say, and If you don't feel the same I understand—”

“I like you too.” Your eyes widened at his response. “that...” you continued your sentence shooked, which made him chuckle as he stroke a strand of your hair. “I like you too Y/N.”

Keqing, Venti and the others waited at the cafeteria themselves. They hoped something good would happen. “How much you wanna bet they're a couple now?” Yoimiya said, Xiao gave her a scoff. “I'll take you all to a resort if they're dating.” Xiao said boringly. Heizou only looked away.

Sometime later you and Kazuha went to the cafeteria holding each other's hands which made the majority of them squealed in happiness and Heizou and Xiao just rolled their eyes. “Congratulations, I guess.” Xiao said annoyed. “Are you two dating now?” You nodded shyly. Kazuha giggled at your reaction.

Kazuha likes you.

Your friends congratulated the both of you,  and you couldn't help but feel like you needed to tell Mona and Amy about it, So after class you and Kazuha parted ways but you hugged him first before going in the car he only gave you a light chuckle, waving goodbye at you.

You called mona, after three rings she picked up. “Yes?” You took a deep breath, “Mona.. I'm dating someone.”

“WHAT?! IS HE A YEAR OLDER THAN YOU?” you only sighed, you expected this reaction. “His astrology sign?” You rolled your eyes. “Scorpio.”

“Hm, Scorpio, fine i can rest with that. Let me meet him soon Y/N.” You laughed. “Yes, when you're here. See you soon Mona.”

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