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Kazuha got inside his dorm as he saw his dorm mate, Heizou. “Hey, I cooked katsu. Just eat it if you want.” He nodded, taking off his shoe, After pretty much everything he decided to go to bed as he recalled you earlier.

“You're crazy kazuha.” He said drifting asleep.

When the sun rises, Kazuha and Heizou got up and gotten ready for another hell day at college, “How are you surviving criminology dude?” Kazuha asked his friend as they ate, Heizou looked like he hadn't got any good night's rest for a year. “I don't know, bro i wanna die i hate school.” Heizou said. Kazuha on the other hand only chuckled, He didn't have any issues with his Major since he actually wanted it. Well, his parents was against it but since Kazuha declined them they got mad for kazuha for pursuing something they didn't want for him.

At school, Yoimiya greeted her two friends as Heizou waved goodbye to the both Fine Arts student, “Hey you good? You two seemed bummed out.” Kazuha nodded. “Yeah nothing too serious, I guess I'm just worried for our presentation later.” Yoimiya grinned. “Don't worry about it, we're gonna be fine! Have a little faith on Venti will you?” Just then you walked towards the hall with the same scent Kazuha knew it was you already.

You were holding your phone seems like you were on a call with a person, “Oh yeah Mona, how are things there?” You asked. “Yeah Amy was in chaos she wanted to go there with you too..” You sighed. “That's understandable, anyway.” You suddenly heard an annoying voice which made you stop. You looked up to see Raiden Kunikuzushi, your childhood enemy. “Heh, so that old hag wasn't lying when she said that you will be transferring here?” He said in a teasing way. You gave him a bored look as you walked past him.

“Go away, Kunikuzushi.” You rolled your eyes, but he only stuck teasing you again. 

“Well that's weird, the school's troublemaker and the school's yet to be ace is acquiantances. How weird.” Yoimiya said as she watched the two at a distance. “It does makes sense that two of them knows each other don't you remember? Senior Yae and Senior Raiden was friends.” Keqing said just arriving at the scene which made Kazuha flinch.

“Girl, where did you come from stop scaring us like that you'll make Kazuha die by fright.” Keqing chuckled.

At lunch time Kazuha was on the rooftop of the school just enjoying the scenery while he had his earphones, listening to some tunes that made him calm from activities.

You unexpectedly gotten yourself at the rooftop trying to get rid of that annoying Kunikuzushi. You saw a boy sitting white hair and had red streaks, he was on his earphones that he didn't notice you were already infront of him. You examined his features for a bit he had white skin, long lashes as he was closing his eyes. You caught yourself staring at his sleeping posture.

Kazuha felt a presence infront of him slowly he opens his eyes, seeing a woman's silhoutte infront of him.

Are you awake?” he heard the voice called, Kazuha looks up to see you standing which made him stop. “Oh.. I'm sorry to wake you up.” You said Kazuha shook his head and smiled in which you stopped as you got mesmerized by his smile. “No it was fine, I'm thankful for you actually otherwise I'll be late for my next class. So thank you.” He said standing up and fixing his coat, he waved at you as he left the rooftop.


“Weird. What's wrong with me?” You shook your head as you stared at the city above your school's rooftop. “Quite pretty.”

When classes was over your driver wasn't still around yet, so you decided to take a walk around the school. You cane across the theatre room you saw many people was there chatting and laughing among themselves but what caught your attention was the guy earlier she was holding a water bottle and was chatting with a dirty blonde girl laughing.

“So he's a fine arts major..” You muttered as you walked away, and then you found yourself on the culinary room you saw one person in the room she had a silver hair was wearing an apron as she was designing a cake, you found it very pretty. Upon your staring she noticed your presence and in an instant she was already infront of you. “Hello!” Your eyes widened as you saw her. “A-Ah! Sorry I thought your work was very pretty I didn't mean to disturb you!” You said, the woman smiled. “It was fine, do you wanna come in?” She offered.

“C-Can I?” She nodded and you finally gave in and came inside the room. “My name is Noelle, I'm a first year culinary arts student! How about you?” She asked. You looked away, “Yae Y/N, from Business Department.” Noelle's mouth formed an O before smiling, “Nice to meet you, do you want to taste my cake?” She asked.

“Can I?” You said, “Of course! Here!” Noelle gave you a plate as you dig in you smiled, “Taste sweet.” You said as you beamed a little smile. “So Y/N do you like desserts?”

You nodded. “I love them.”

“Great! You can find me here most of the time you can also taste my desserts if you like!”

That day, You gained a friend.


“Kazuha, are you working tomorrow?” Heizou asked his roomate, Kazuha replied with a nod. “Oh, really? Where?” Kazuha sighed. “Just in a café, It's all good since I can finally buy a motorbike that I want using my own savings.” Kazuha smiled, Heizou pats his shoulder.

“Don't overwork yourself okay?” Kazuha just nodded in reply. “I won't, you too.”

“I was actually just about to ask if you want to join us on the mall tomorrow but since you have work then I guess you can't.”

“Sorry, I'll just make up for you all later.” Kazuha said with a sheepish grin.

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