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Kazuha finally came back to their mansion, the memories of her father and mother being happy flooded through his mind. He saw his mother standing on the door, alone. “Mom, why are you here? It's so late.” Kazuha said, he took off his jacket and put it on his mother's shoulders. His mother beamed a smile. “When you said you were coming home, I wanted to wait for you.” Kazuha only looked away.

“Kazuha, mom misses you so much and mom is sorry for the things she did that hurt you.” She started as she held her son's face. “Don't worry about it mom, I already forgot about it.” Kazuha said.

“Your late father told me exactly that I should never out burden on you when the time comes that he's not with us anymore.”

“I guess I failed to do so.”

“Mom, did you love dad?” Kazuha asked which made his mother look at him in mouth open as she beamed a little smile. “I do love your father, I do why wouldn't I? You were born out of love kazuha always remember that.”

“Then why..” Kazuha's mother pats his shoulder. “I thought when I lost your father, that I had lost the world but then I saw you crying and longing for a father every night. It pained me every time Kazuha. Seeing you cry was a pain on my heart, So I decided maybe It was a great idea to marry someone to act like your father— Although It made you stray far away from my side instead.” His mother said looking away.

So all this time, She had thought about his happiness— He just really didn't tried to care, She thought that if he had atleast a father figure his sadness about his father's death would ease down. Kazuha was silent. “Sorry, Mom..” Kazuha broke down to tears as he hugged his mother tightly. “Why are you crying? Kazuha you're old now, not to mention you even have a lover now. Don't cry now let's just leave these things in the past, alright?”

Kazuha nodded, and his mother returned the hug as she gently stroked kazuha's back, a few minutes later two people came out of the house. “Yugo, Dear here you are. Kazuha came back home.” Kazuha's mother said, Yugo pats Kazuha's head and gave a sheepish grin.

“Yugo.. and dad.” Kazuha said, which taken them all back, the old man was shock but he smiled. “Took you long to call me that, son.” His step father hugged him.

Kazuha knew he already let go of his hatred, and past. All left to do know is wait for you, whatever years may it take.

“I'm sorry Heizou, I can't seem to come to the Prix. My mother is visiting my grandmother so yeah could you do a nice favor for me and attend it on my behalf?” Kazuha said, Heizou sighed and agreed eventually.

Kazuha smiled at his mother. “Don't worry mom, Heizou's fine with it we can visit grandma.”


“Woah look at this so huge!” Hutao exclaimed as they got in the venue, Yanfei and the others looked around there were many people from different universities and overseas. “This is making me feel nervous..” Noelle said, Keqing chuckled lightly. “Ehm.. how about a candy noelle?” She offered the girl a candy in which she gladly took.

“It is huge, too bad Kazuha isn't here to watch.” Heizou said taking pics of the venue to send it to kazuha. “Nah it's fine it's probably not his type of competition to attend too.” Venti said, But then Yoimiya saw someone rather familiar.

“Is that...?” Pink haired lady? Was that your sister Yae Miko?

“Hey look, I think that school over there is the one overseas.” Xiao said pointing at a certain people with unique uniforms, “Oh yeah, I remember I heard of them too.” Noelle said. “Well you just gotta do your best then!” Venti said making Noelle even more nervous than she already is which he earned a smack from the head from Keqing.

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