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"Uh, Ganyu? Where's Kazuha?" You said just arriving at the living room with Yoimiya the blue haired girl only gave you a sigh shrugging. "Sorry, Y/N I also don't know." You only nodded you asked Yanfei and Hutao but they also didn't know where Kazuha went. "I guess he's out there doing something?" Yoimiya said which made you nod Yoimiya suggested you go watch a movie while you wait for Kazuha.

Kazuha wasn't answering your calls either. "Where is he.. anyways?" You said as you looked at the clock on the wall. Heizou came down as he looked at you. "Are you looking for Kazuha? He got out earlier since someone is meeting him, he said he'll be back by night time i think."

"Ah, so that's what.." Yoimiya gave you a hug, "How about we go shop? So you can cheer up." You nodded.


"Kazuha, I trust you know why you're here already." His mother said which Kazuha only rolled his eyes. "Do i? I actually don't know." Kazuha felt an arm gripping his shoulder forcefully.

"You are going to break up with your girlfriend right here right now young man, how can you do a vile thing such as this?! Minatsu is supposed to be your girlfriend not some random girl you found in the university!" She said making kazuha look at her as he stop, "This is my business Mrs. Murasaki. I don't care about your business therefore stop interfering with mine." Kazuha said sending a glare to both Minatsu and his mother.

"Don't make me do things, Kazuha." His mother threatened. "Yeah if you do something to my lover then expect me to never come back and claim you as my mother." He threatened, "Who is your girlfriend that made you like this kazuha?"

"You don't deserve to know." Kazuha said walking away which made Minatsu sad. Then she'll have to resort to any other methods if this keeps up.

Minatsu didn't came back with Kazuha, she went straight towards her family's company but was scared when he saw maby policemen there. "What's going on?" As Minatsu entered the office floor of his father she saw a rather tall woman, with long pink hair and purple eyes standing crossing her arms infront of his father who is now begging on his knees. "Oh? Looks like your daughter is here." She said, she didn't know this person, "Dad?! Why are you kneeling on the floor!" Yae was amused to see his daughter's reaction.

"Indeed, why are you kneeling Mr. Hikari?" Minatsu was annoyed, grab the coffee on her father's desk as she threw it on the woman. The woman only chuckled, "Oh my dear me, you two sure have the same temper..."

"We'll meet again soon, enough." She said and left. "MINATSU! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" her father asked, she looked terrified. "Father who was that!? Why is she here?!" Her father looked away in shame, "That... Our company and is on the verge if bankruptcy that was the CEO of Narukami. She's here to collect debt."

"Narukami? The largest company in the states..?" Her father nodded, "Mina.. the only way our company can survive is for you to get married to Kaedehara Kazuha."

"Wait that person..."


"How is the preparations going on my mother's party? Everything well?" Yae said stripping her coat that had a spilled coffee on it, "Ms. Yae! Who did such thing?!" Her secretary exclaimed. "Who is bold enough to do this?". Her secretary said, "But replying to your question Ms. Yae yes, the invitations have been prepared and will be sent to the guests."

"Good, Make sure to invite Jun Hikari and his daughter." Yae said, she was obviously pissed but her thoughts were interrupted when Ei came in the room. "Hey, I heard someone dared to spill coffee on you?" She said, Yae sighed. "Who?"

"Hikari's daughter." Yae replied which made Ei's face darken. "I see how it is." Ei dialed her phone, "Buy the shares of Hikari." Yae only giggled.


It was the last day and tomorrow you all are going back to school, you decided to confront Minatsu because of her behavior since she came back, You weren't dense. You know something was up. You crossed your hands as you look up to her, "Do you like Kazuha?" You asked directly which made her let out a scoff. "What do you think?" You didn't reply.

"That's so sad, Kazuha is my boyfriend. Not yours." You replied to her which made her stop as she grits her teeth. "You really think I wouldn't notice? You want him don't you? Get that stupid idea on your brain." You said, you didn't like the idea of her liking kazuha. It made you annoyed. "You don't know? I'm Kazuha's fiancé."

You pondered for a second, "It's not valid since.. Kazuha already proposed to me." You showed your finger that had a ring on it which made her widened her eyes, She looked enraged, You were just going to trick her didn't know it was that easy.

You said goodbye to your friends as you got home from the outing. When you opened the door to your room you were greeted by a faniliar people surprising you with a hug. "M-Mona? A-Amy?!" You said taken back as you three stumbled on the floor. "SURPRISE!!" Mona and Amy exclaimed at you while laughing. "I thought you guys will come here in the end of the semester so why-" You said still confused.

"Silly, of course we tried to make it a little earlier. Miko said we can stay here so we're not gonna say no." You only chuckled you missed your friends. "Hey, let's go on a shopping spree! There's new books here!" Amy said, you and Mona looked at each other as you both nodded.

You, Mona and Amy spend the entire day with each other.


"I sense something is coming soon." Alice said, Vita smiled as she sips her coffee. "If they can't overcome a challenge then what's this chance for?" She said the blonde woman only shooked her head as she continued to read her journal.

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