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“Huh?” You said to your friend as you heard her, “Yes! The author of the book I am reading currently is having a book signing and I need to attend this one Y/N please please!!” Your friend begged you, and you sighed and nodded at her request. “Fine, I'll go with you.” You got ready in your room as your mother greeted you. “Hm? Going outside with Noelle?” You nodded at her.

“That's good, make sure to interact with people a lot, and ooh please get these for me, dear.” She said as she handed you a list of things she needed. “Oh. Okay..” You sighed again as you waited in the mall for your best friend Noelle. “Y/N! Here here!” you saw her and got to her she gave you a box with your favorite strawberry cake. “At least I could buy for you for doing me a favor now.” You gave her a grin. “Let's go over there!” Noelle pointed out a direction where people were crowding. “Is that the author of the book you were reading?” You asked as you saw a pink-haired lady. “Yes she's so cool isn't she!?” You saw the lady as you felt a little familiar with her. “Yea she's pretty.”

While Noelle was standing in the line you decided to stroll around the mall to get the things your mother had told you. “Let's see onion, strawberries, oil..” You mumbled quietly as you pushed your cart unexpectedly bumping into a woman. “Oh, I'm sorry!” You said and helped her. “Hoho, no worries child this old lady is not harmed.” as an apology you stuck around with the woman to help her with her groceries.

“How kind of you young lady.” you just smiled at her and get back to shopping on your own.

After you were finished you saw Noelle like her foot was hurting, you sighed again as you got beside her. “Go to the nearest bench and rest, I'll take it over here and sign it for you.” Noelle's eyes sparkled as she nodded, when it was your turn you got the book on the table, The pink-haired lady smiled at you. , “What's your name?” You gave her a reply as you smiled back. “It's Y/N, but please put Noelle on the book.” the lady was taken back but she nodded as she signed the book.

“Have a great day Y/N.” She said.

You nodded as you said your farewell to the lady, and you read the book's cover. The lonesome kitsune, and her lover the demigod who loves the arts.

When suddenly you bumped into a man, you looked up to see a man with red eyes, white hair, and red streaks. He had a worrying expression. “Sorry, I wasn't looking my way are you okay?” He asked as he extended out his hand for you to take. “I'm fine..” You took his hand and he smiled you felt your heart beat faster than it normally was and you blushed.

“Oh, that book. You read it too?” He asked you, you shook your head. , “But It seems interesting I'd like to read it soon.” he chuckled. “You should, it's so good.”

“Kazuha, you're there? Let's go, man!” A maroon-haired man exclaimed which made him turn his head in his direction, “Oh coming.”

“My name is Kaedehara Kazuha, By the way, what's your name?” He questioned you.

Oh.. It's Y/N. Y/N L/N.


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