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“Kazuha look!” You exclaimed as you pointed a matching ring, which made kazuha chuckle. “Do you want one?” You nodded eagerly as you bought it immediately after you bought it you gave the ring with sun to kazuha and yours as the moon which made you smile on how cute they are. You wore it in your right hand which made Kazuha sigh. “Give me the ring.” You were confused but gave it to him. “You.” Kazuha held your left ring as he inserted the ring on your left ring finger. “Wear it on your left hand.” Your mouth formed an o as you laughed at him.

You and Kazuha were on a date, originally you came with your friends but for some reasons you and Kazuha was alone now. “Look, there's a café with their famous strawberry cake there. Want to go?” Kazuha said and you nodded.  As you got inside the café you saw it with many pink design which made your eyes sparkle, “What do you want to eat? Hm?” Kazuha asked you you pondered for a second. “I'll try their famous strawberry shortcake and their chocolate latté!” Kazuha nodded patting your head. “Wait for me here, okay?”

Kazuha went to the counter to order as you wait for him on the table. You saw a familiar woman but you instantly recognized it was Minatsu. You thought nothing of it maybe she was meeting someone.

Minatsu waited on a café across yours, as a woman walked inside she felt tense, “Dear Mina, what do you want to say to me? You labeled it to be urgent why is that?” Kazuha's mother said as she sat down, before Mina could say anything— “Oh by the way what do you want to eat? Order away.” She said and smiled before calling the waiter, Minatsu only shooked her head. “Mrs. Murasaki.. Kazuha..” the woman turned to her attention hearing her son's name, “What happened to kazuha?”

“He's is really dating someone.. I..” Kazuha's mother gave a look of disapproval before smiling, “That boy, really.. don't worry dear he can't run away from you forever. After all... You are his first love.”


“The Yae group is the largest publishing corporation in the city therefore their company is known all over the world. The Yae Family is also one of the prestigious family in this generation, having born in a field of business, The two heirs to the family's fortune is no joke either, Yae Miko an excellent businesswoman strategist. And her younger sister that is considered a young prodigy with countless achievements at young age.”

Your parents could only sigh, they should have been used to the attention from the public by now. “Speakinh of which It's your birthday soon dear, shall we held a party?” Your father asked your mother she gave your father a small smile, “That might be a good idea, since it's one month away let's give the preparations to Miko.”


Back on the resort, You and the others are having your time in the beach chatting and laughing together. “Oh I know! Let's play truth and dare!” Venti suggested. You all agreed and eventually venti gets a empty wine bottle and two bottles of alcohol. You all weren't a minor so it was no issue. “If you don't do it, you drink.” the first person that the bottle landed on was aether, “Truth or dare?” Aether said dare, “I dare you to call your sister and tell her some secrets that you didn't tell her yet.” Venti said.

Aether took out his phone as he dialed a number after some time the other line picked up the phone, “Remember that time where you brought a cookie which noelle baked for you? And you wonder where it went the next day? I actually ate it I'm sorry Lumine.” as he hung up hurriedly sending a glare at venti which made them laugh.

Next the bottle stopped at hutao's direction, “Truth, you pussies shaking my head.” Hu Tao said rolling her eyes just then Kuki knew what she needed to ask Hu Tao. “Is it true that you love Yanfei, your bestfriend?” Hu Tao and the others stopped in which the brown haired girl face blushed. “Yes.” Yanfei herself blushed at the comment.

“Oh my god! I love gay people!” Yoimiya said and cheered for her bestfriend. Then the bottle landed at Minatsu's direction. All of them was a little tense to ask her, So you did. “Mina, truth or dare?” You asked.

“Truth.” She replied to you smiling, “Do you like someone? Can only be answered by yes or no.” You said which made all of them sigh a relief, “Yes.” She answered and with that the game continued after many dares and truths and alcohol that consumed the bottle landed on your direction. “Y/N! TRUTH OR DARE!?” Yoimiya asked and you giggled Yoimiya was a little tipsy herself after refusing to post a embarrasing dare post given by Venti. “Truth.”

“Did you have any other boyfriends apart from Kazuha?” Kazuha looks at you, anticipating for your answer. “No, Kazuha is my first boyfriend. Many people tried to woo me in states but I just simply didn't care.” You said which made kazuha look away blushing, you felt a hand on your hands realizing that it was kazuha's intertwining yout hands together. You looked at him with a raise of brow, but he only gave you a smirk in response mouthing, “Cute.”

As almost all of them were drunk you and kazuha were sober and decided to go to the balcony together, “Kazuha.”

“Hm?” He asked, “I just felt like as your girlfriend now you need to know something about me. I'm not a genius myself.” You said looking at the beach scenery while the wind flows gently on the air. “Hm.” he replied listening to what you were about to say.

“My mom and father want me to be the best, so i became a so called genius for them. How do i put it? A puppet? I think that was me before. But I realized something when I transfered here I somehow managed to see people with freedom such as you and our friends it made me feel like I can be myself whenever you all are around.”

“I feel like myself, especially with i'm with you.” You turned to him as you smiled, “I'm so inlove with you, Kaedehara Kazuha.”

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