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“Girl, look at him!” A girl squealed as she saw a man with white hair with red streaks, he took off his helmet as the girls squealed even more at how handsome he was, Venti sighed. “You girls probably shouldn't hope anything look at his left hand.”

“He's married?!” One of them exclaimed.

Kazuha smiled and waved at his friends before coming in to the cafe infront of him, “Hello, Welcome to—” You said but immediately stopped as you saw your husband chuckling at you. “May I order something?” He said you raise your brow as you gave him a look, “What is it, Mr?”

“You, I wanna take you out on a date.” Noelle came out of the room and had a teasing smile as she look the both of you, “Why don't you two... Go? I'll take care of the café also Yoimiya is here.” You gave him a sigh.

Kazuha held your hand as you two walked together, The sun was already setting; You leaned on his shoulder as you two walked together. “Why did you suddenly visited me?” He smiled as he pinched your cheeks, “Nothing, I just missed you I want to take you out on a date before going home to see Tomo.” You only sighed as you hugged his arm, we shouldn't get too late otherwise Tomo will be hungry back at home. Kazuha nodded, “You're right.”

When you came back home you were greeted by your cat, “Tomo how are you~?” You asked as you carried him, Kazuha followed you soon after your mother in law carried two children as they greeted you and kazuha. “Mama, Papa!” They giggled as they went running to you waddling over to you. “Kei, Mei!” You exclaimed, Your two year old twins giggled as soon as they heard your voice. Kei giggled as soon as he grab your hands. While Mei walked over to Kazuha opening and closing her little fingers signalling kazuha that she wants to be carried.

Kazuha carried your daughter as he also kissed her cheek, your daughter giggled as she pinch kazuha's face you laughed at them as you also carried your son with you, “Mom, thank you for looking after the kids.” You thanked your mother in law, she shook her head and laugh. “No worried Y/N dear, as you know i am already in my fifties.. All I can do is look after my lovely grandchildren.”

After your mother in law left with your father in law you and kazuha played with the twins soon after. “Kei no don't pull your sister's hair like that that's bad.” Kazuha said as he tried to stop it luckily the little boy stop and look at his dad confused, tilting his head he gave kazuha a mischievous smile and went for his hair instead. “Ah—” Kazuha exclaimed you looked at him trying your hardest not to laugh, “Don't do that kei, that's bad.” Kazuha could only sigh. “Mei don't eat that it's not edible.”

You carried kei and away from kazuha's hair as you pinched his cheek, “You're gonna make your papa bald kei.” You pinched his nose and he only stared at you with those (E/C) colored eyes that he inherited from you. You chuckled again as you bopped his nose he gave you a confused expression as you continued to give him kisses on his cheek. “Mama... Wuv...” He said you and kazuha looked at each other realizing that your son had just let out another word, “I love you too.” Kei giggled and asked you to put him down when he did he made his way to his sister as he hugged her in confusion.

“Our children is cute.” You said to kazuha and fixed his hair, he then gave a peck of kiss on your lips. “Yeah, I don't dare to take any credits. Their mother is cute.” He said which made you blush. “Hehe kith!” Mei said proudly said you blushed. “Mei, who taught you that?” You asked your sister got in in with Ei as she gabe you a sheepish grin, “Oops?” You shook your head in disbelief, of course it was your sister.



“Mei, Kei!” a girl with maroon hair exclaimed waving her hands on the air excitedly. “Renge.” The both of them said in unison. “I got super early today because it's school day i'm super super excited to go to school and meet new friends!” She jumped around as she ran into circles the twins made an eye contact towards each other as they joined her. “Where is uncle heizou anyway?” Mei asked.

“Papa is out there buying me ice cream what about your papa?” Mei and Kei frowned. “Papa is busy and mama too...” Kei said sadly. Renge felt bad so she grabbed a candy on her purse and gave it to the little boy who was closed to crying. “Hey don't cry. Papa said boys who cry is weak look at your twin sister she looks brave.” Renge said, Kei took a good look on his sister, Mei looked bored and was writing letters on the sand with a stick in hand instead.

“I-I was wondering.. are you single?” The girl said to a kazuha who just arrived at the kindergarten, Kazuha awkwardly smiled as he gave the girl a bow, “I'm actually—”

“Papa!” the twins approached kazuha excitedly in which the girl's eyes widened, “Oh my gosh, I'm sorry i thought you were single!” Kazuha gave her a smile as she hurriedly left. “Papa didn't you said you were busy?” Mei said Kazuha crouched down and pat her head, “Papa made sure he has time for Mei and Kei.” He said, He saw his friend carrying his daughter. “Yo, you're late you should've seen your son in tears earlier.”

Kazuha only gave a sigh as he gave Heizou a smile, he looked at the little boy who had both of his hands at his bsck swaying and desperately looking away from him. “Did Kei cry?” Kazuha asked but kei didn't answer him.

“Yeah, kei is a cry baby.” Mei confessed which made the boy pout. Kazuha carried his son as he patted his head. “Then kei can cry.”

“I just thought papa is busy and will not play with us anymore..” Kazuha chuckled. “Why so? I love kei and mei i will always play with them.”

“We love papa too!” the twins exclaimed giggling.

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