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Lately, you have been crossing paths with Kazuha. You and Noelle often hung out together with each other despite being in a different department, As Noelle tried to teach you baking techniques you eventually tells her what business students need to face every day as well. And after when you need some break you would go to the rooftop to see Kazuha there.

Today you stayed in the classroom, You noticed two people approaching you the two of them smiled as they both waved, “Hello, Y/N.” You smiled at them which made them smile back. “Hello, Keqing and Ganyu right?” They nodded. “My name is Y/N.” You introduced yourself. “Uhm— we noticed you were alone so we thought you might want some company.”

You were quite stunned but you nodded. “Thank you I think I do.” You mumbled quietly. You didn't have any friends with your classmates so It was a great time to have one, In the states you had friends. But those two aren't here with you.

Suddenly Keqing saw a familiar man at the door of their room. “If you'll excuse me first.” You noticed it was a person with Maroon hair, with green eyes. “Is that one of your friends?” You asked Ganyu and she nodded. “He's Heizou, A criminology student.” You nodded, you and Heizou somewhat shared eye contact before he left. And keqing going towards you both again. “Heizou said they'll be going on the ice cream parlor again are you going? Oh and Y/N you should also come! Our friends are friendly!”

You were hesitant about it. Since your father and mother will come back later in the evening. “I'll try,” you said as you contacted Miko outside the room. With three rings her secretary picked up. “Yes, Yae publishing corp. How may I help you today?” you heard the other line speak you took a deep breath as you said, “Hello, I would like to speak to Ms. Yae Miko.” You said. “Ah yes, may I know who is calling?”

“Yae Y/N.”

You heard the secretary yelp as the line cut off a few minutes later you were given to Miko's line. “Yes, dear?” she said she sounded stressed but you cleared your throat. “Yae can I go with my new friends outside the University.. I might be late for dinner I was wondering If you could...”

The line went silent. “Of course! Don't worry about a single thing and bond with your new friends!” with that Yae turned off the call which made you stood there, shock. “Y/N are you going with us?” Keqing asked you nodded. “Yay! You're gonna love our friends they're mostly chaotic but don't worry they're fine.. I think.” Ganyu said.

When you three arrived at the parlor you were surprised to see Kazuha, “Oh hey! I thought keqing was joking about bringing someone new over— Hi my name is Venti!” You waved at them.

“Y/N.” You said, Keqing got off to order an ice cream for you and all of them introduced themselves; Ganyu was right they were chaotic but otherwise there were fine, “Hello, nice to mee you all.” You said. You saw Kazuha glanced at you in secret, you didn't mind it theres just this one lingering feeling in your heart that you just can't explain whenever his eyes and yours meet.

Like something familiar.

“So Y/N, what do you do?” Yoimiya asked, “Oh I am a Business Major.. First year I went to a University on states but was transfered here because of some personal reasons.”

“Ooh! Overseas cool!” They said. “If you don't mind do you want to be added to our group chat?!” The girl asked and you nodded, “It's fine, I would be glad too.” After some time of talking together your driver finally made it in time and you bid goodbye to the group.

Back at home your sister came home earlier than you, There was some issues in the company and your parents arrival. When she got home she threw herself on the couch only to be seen by her mother. Miko rolled her eyes, “Yes?”

“Miko, where is your sister?” She sighed. “She's out there doing some important business for a project.” She said rolling her eyes, when it was the exact opposite. “Is that project more important than her parent's arrival?!”

Miko gave her parents a smirk. “Huh? What's this didn't you made her take a course that you like? Then what is this behavior now?” She asked. Your mother only shooked her head in dismay, Miko is right.

When you came home your family was waiting for you, You were in a good mood just now until you entered the mansion. You felt the lingering pressure in the air again.  You didn't like it. “You're here let's go and eat.” You had no choice but to dine in with them as they talk about the business properties and collaborations in the future for the company which didn't really pipqued your interest  so you just ate your meal silently, until you heard youf father calling for you.

“Y/N, I assume you are in a good relationship with Raiden Kunikuzushi?” You nod your head only, your mother laughed cheerfully. “Good! Good!” Miko laughed too. Something tells you your parents are planning something dumb again and your sister can't control it.

When you came back to your room you saw Kazuha adding you on your sns account, A sudden rush of excitement flows through your body as your cheeks turned light pink, You accepted his request. And gone back to studying your brain.


A notification? You saw it was kazuha sending you a sticker in which you giggle, It was cute.

You really didn't know what to do, Whenever you see that boy everything around you just seems different; You didn't believe at love and first sight because you thought It was ridiculous now that you have this unimaginable feelings it almost makes you pathetic.

You logged in a site that answers question as a Anonymous User.

Kazuha on the other hand was busy scrolling when he saw a question on a site that caught his attention.

“ AnonymousUser_87 I found this person on my school at first and they already made an impression at me, whenever I see them all i feel is the beating of my heart loudly, i get a warm fuzzy feeling when our eyes meet can anyone tell me what I am experiencing?”

zhonglimahalinmoko69: OP, I think you're having a crush on someone! I also experienced that oooh young love.

wonderballz909: I think ur inlove idk tho

jeangunn_407 : I think you're just overworked dear.

yowaimo75289: You either  crushing/love that person rn

“Can a person actually fall in love in first sight? That seems ridiculous.” Heizou said peeking at Kazuha's phone. “Is it?” Kazuha laughed.

“Yeah, I just think it takes more than one meeting to form a relationship and love.”

Was that really the case?

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