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Miko saw her sister standing on the window as she was staring outside. “Are you ready?” Miko said and you nodded. “Today on wards you'll finally going to complete your dreams, you're not going to suffer on a dream that isn't yours anymore.” Miko hugged her sister.

“And maybe you can achive what you dreamed decades ago.” She added which made you giggle, “I hope so.” You said as you remembered something. “Don't worry, I'm sure he'll understand.” You nodded as the doctor came inside your room to check you up again.

“How is she doc?” Miko asked worriedly. “It's better than the last time I checked on her, If she keeps this up she'll recover overtime.”

“You heard that? Then, This will make it all easier.” Miko said. Suddenly a woman with blonde hair came with a little kid. “Oh my you guys!” Miko's face then turned upside down to see the woman. “What do you want alice?” You chuckled at them, “A great mage as you is still wandering on other worlds it seems and now you brought your little daughter.” You said to alice, in which she chuckle. “Oh dear Y/N, you remember me!” You nodded.

“I also remembered that you made my sister cry—” Miko's face blushed as she covered your mouth. “Shush!”

“Aww, that was the good old times dear Miko, no need to be shy about it! Anyway how are you two? Klee wants to go with you two I'll leave her in your care for a while!” Miko was about to protest but the woman was now out of sight. “I guess we'll go to a nearby kinder to enroll klee??” You asked your sister in which she sighed, the little girl hugged your knee. “Hello sister Y/N!!”

“What a cute baby you are~” You said, but then you coughed again which made Klee and Miko worried. “Sister Y/N! Are you okay?!” You nodded. “I'm fine, sister didn't cough blood this time..” You said.


“Collei! Get back here!” You heard amber exclaimed as they got in the place that you were supposed to meet up. Tighnari sighed, “You guys can't sit still can you?” You only chuckled at your friends. “Guys i made macaroons want some?” Nilou smiled as she took some and took a bite. Her eyes sparkled. “Y/N! This is delicious!”

“Really? Let me take a bite.” Cyno said as he took some and ate it, Tighnari and Collei did the same but Amber didn't get to as she was panting. “Amber here.” You stuffed the macaroons in her mouth which taken her with surprise.

All of them laughed. “Hey Y/N don't you have doctor's appointment today?” You pondered. “I do? I think.” Cyno gave you a sigh. “You should rest, next week is the Patissiere Prix.” You gave them a smile. “You guys, don't you guys have any faith on me? I'll make sure our university wins.” you gave them a sheepish grin, but they only gave you a stare. “That's not the point, you will be competing with many others even Japan's Famous University.” You coughed on your macaroon as you heard Cyno said. “WHAT?!” Your eyes widened.

“I thought they didn't want to participate?!” You exclaimed in panic, Amber gave you a smug look on her face clearly teasing you. “What's wrong? Are you scared you couldn't beat their representative?” You scoff as you looked away. “No? I will.” You said confidently.

“Anyway, We will come with you to cheer you up don't worry also Senior Haitham will be going so you guys won't do something stupid.” Cyno said. You only sighed.


“Patissiere Prix?” Kazuha said, Heizou nodded. “Our school is competing?” Kazuha asked again and Albedo nodded. They were having a discussion on the council office, Heizou pondered. “I heard Noelle is the representative, There will be representative each universities overseas so yea, this time Albedo will come and some other friends to support noelle on the competition.” Kazuha only rolled his eyes.

“Not interested, I'd rather not go.” He said as he continued the paper works, Heizou only stared at him. “Suit yourself, Vice President.”

Kazuha opened phone to see a photo of his beloved. “When will you come back?”

“I'm sorry but Kazuha you need to come to the competition in my stead, I can't come i need to attend seminar for this school so in behalf of me you need to attend to make sure nothing goes wrong.” Albedo said in which Kazuha sighed, “Fine.”

Kazuha left the council room as he came to the rooftop, He's now a fourth year fine arts major student. So close to graduating. And yet he still remembers you, and your words years ago.

“Let's break up.” You said but kazuha only held your hand tightly.Y/N, i know it's my fault you can slap me and shout at me for being a jerk.”

“Please.. just don't.. just don't leave me again.”

“Kazuha i don't want to leave you too. Believe me, but I need to.” You said, the doctor came in with Miko and Vita.

“She is suffering from illness, This place is not suitable for her recovery as it gives her stress it might not end well for her if she keeps this up.” You looked away. “I know.”

“I made it worse.” You admitted yourself.


Outside you hugged kazuha. “Will you take back what you said earlier?” Kazuha said and you smiled. “I take it back.”

“I'm willing to wait for you.”

“I'll comeback for you, I promise.”

“Kazuha, do you believe in fate and destiny?” You asked him but he replied as he kissed your hand. “No.”

“If my fate is to marry a woman not you I don't call it fate, I will break free from it and marry you myself. I will make my own destiny and not even the Gods can stop me.” He said, Your eyes widened.

“But what if your life was the price?”

“I don't care, I'll die and when I come back. I'll find you everytime.”

“I love you Y/N, in all my lifetime.”

PLEASE, BE ME. | ##kaedeharakazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now